Do you have an intuitive child? Children are sensitive and intuitive by nature but there is a rise of intuition. Would you like to better support your child?
Come join Melissa Boyd, International Medium who has been intuitive since a child and spent over 15 years in Child Family and Youth Development on the national level helping states and communities support children. Melissa will share soul advice about supporting your intuitive child and share proven strategies to reduce anxiety and fear around intuition.  This even will include the latest research in evolution and how the new kids are more empathetic and even telepathic.
Join Melissa and special guests as we explore how to support youth through the creative arts. Hands on activities and simple tips for mindfulness and moving meditations will be explored. Â This is a FREE Event open to parents and their children, students and teachers. Bringing youth into the creative process is essential for brain development and anxiety reduction.
Tips and hands on resources for supporting intuition in youth will be covered.
Melissa will teach the group simple techniques for centering, mindfulness and bed time routines to ensure your child feels empowered.
This event is FREE via Zoom. Once you are registered you will receive a link to attend.