Our world is full of transitions and transformations. When I am conducting sessions with people across the globe I feel their patterns, rhythms and cycles. Life is full of changes and transitions and it can be hard to face transitions and even identify what needs to be changed. As a world, we are facing extreme change and it may feel unsafe, scary, isolating and lonely.Â
It is extremely rare for new moons to also be super moons. The super moon occurs when the moon is at its closest orbit to the earth. Remember, the moon creates the rise and fall of the tides, your emotions and even the emotions of our world. Take time to be intentional, connect in with the energy of the moon and create a ritual around each new moon. Remember, we are never really in control of anything except our reactions and our actions.
Remember, transitional times offer transformational power. My heart is sending you opportunities to connect with these powerful tools for self transformation.
5 Events to Fall Into Your Intuition: REGISTER Today!
When you practice meditation, yoga and awareness you build your intuition. It is my honor to help people grow their knowing to awaken within!
In my upcoming workshops I will share with you yoga, meditation, breathing techniques, manifestation, and relaxation in addition to the ways in which I ground, expand, and channel spirit.
I love offering workshops to give you hands-on tools and activities to become more centered, energized, and intuitive. Watch this short video on how I teach workshops.
There are still a few spots open for theses upcoming events – register today!
May you be ONE and live in the NOW,

Are you ready to embrace your intuitive gifts? This hands-on workshop will outline practical ways to learn how to trust your intuition and create a connection with your spirit guides. We will discuss chakras, numbers, color, soul development, and more! Includes breakfast, handouts, meditative stone, CD, and Grow Your Knowing gift bag. Discount on room rate for those traveling to attend.
$100 per person, limit 30 people
Register NOW

Once a month we gather in person and on FB Live for a group meditation followed by mini messages from the spirit world. These events are donation only and all proceeds for 2019 go to support River Tree Arts Programming.
If you are attending in person please register online to secure your spot. FB Live join us at 7pm EST. Get your free ticket to secure you space at:
If you wish to make a donation to River Tree Arts

Awakening Your Luminosity: 8 Rhythms for Self Mastery Receive Soul Messages ..
The key to mastering your full potential is to unlock your luminous connections in the linear world – and that is exactly what LUMINOUS 8 is designed to help you do.
Melissa will guide you through a series of invocations that are sure to create a profound transformative shift in your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energy.
Using mantras, mudras, chanting, sound, asana and heart to heart connections this workshop includes tangible tools, handouts and a usb with two guided meditations to support you to continue to practice at home.
The 8 LUMINOUS Rhythms are Love, Unlimited Potential , Mirror Consciousness, Intentional Action, Negotiation with the Heart, Optimism, Unconditional and Service.
It’s time to embody your luminous potential and step into your glow!

Exploring Your Divine Spine
3 Week Yoga Class meets weekly on Tuesdays
October 29th – November 12th
Village Yoga – Kennebunk, ME
$90.00 for all 3 classes
Why the Spine?
· The spine supports both your structure and the fluid that reaches your brain
· There are over 120 muscles in the spine
· Over 80% of Americas suffer from back pain and the most common issue is spine issues
· Your spine has amazing memory but we often forget about the power of our back bodies
This workshop is open to all levels and we will explore the available power of the spine for balance and expansion of all kinds.
What to Bring?
- Comfortable Yoga clothes
- Yoga mat if you have one (all other props will be made available at the workshop )
- Warm socks
- Journal or note book
- Open heart and mind
Register Today.
Directions.Village Yoga is located at 153 Port Road in Lower Village Kennebunk, Maine

Sunday, November 10th
1:30pm – 6:00pm
Village Yoga, Kennebunk, ME
$100 per person (limited to 16 participants)
Yoga Nidra is an ancient form of deep meditation and allows you to float between the worlds. In this workshop you will experience deep relaxation and drop into the 5 layers of the self learning how to cleanse your cells with intention and breathe. We will then deepen with a mala bead meditation. Learn how the use of these two tools can empower your spirit and energize your life.
Samadhi Meditation Box is included with the workshop ($49.95 Value). Includes male beads, stone, vibrational meditation cards, meditators guide, videos on how to use the tools, 3 guided meditations and more
Register Today
Happy 2019 – What To Expect And More
Happy New Year! Every day you have the unique opportunity to decide what you will think, feel, focus on and create in your life. One of the reasons intentions and rituals are set around the New Year is we enter a significant new cycle. In fact, New Years has been celebrated since 46 BC and was introduced by Julius Caesar. It is no accident that the winter solstice happens about a week before Christmas and that in early January the Earth is closest to the Sun. This is the time the earth is resetting itself and so can we. If you pay attention to the skies you may have noticed that over the past week the Sun is deeply radiant, especially at dawn and dusk and you too are a radiant being of the universe. WE are all energy beings and more and more science and spirituality are lining up with these beliefs.
In previous blogs and on talk radio interviews I have shared my guides insights for 2019 and beyond. Let me first say, to remember we are in shifting times. This means that extremes are the norm and we need these in order to change, we do not change our view point when things are smooth and easy. 2019 is shown as a year to be creative, to delve into your passions, have more meaningful conversations, connect to like-minded people and to spend as much time in nature as you can. Pay attention to the earth and sky, new colors will take shape in plants, flowers and even the grass. Appreciate and pay attention to water, it is amazing and can be a calming yet powerful resource. Earth changes will be many but mostly with water and air. About 5 years ago, I spoke about the increase of solar flares and the shift in gravitational waves which changes dimensional time. I see these time waves increasing and creating vortex’s where there have not been any. In energy medicine and quantum physics it is known that it only takes about 250,000 people with high vibrations to shift outcomes such as storms, crime rates and even severe situations like natural disasters. WE , You and I, have more power than WE realize.
The universe is expanding and collectively more and more people, including you, are AWAKENING to intuitive knowing and even remembering past lives. It is time to be bold and bright and be the light that you are in all that you do. Have faith that we are evolving as a world. You have tremendous power to shift the world by the way you speak, listen, spend, forgive, love and live. #AWAKEN
All the love and light in me bows and shines to all the light and love in you!
In divine loving service,
The New Creative Economy…
Every day when you purchase products, you are creating energy towards the economy. Each dollar you spend has an effect on the overall market. You may not be aware of it, but the coffee you buy on your way to work, the gasoline in your car, the soap you use in the shower all impacts the growth of decline of a market. You may have noticed that many big corporate companies that do not have a friendly tag line or community outreach are fading. The reality is that new innovative companies are moving into the forefront and creating a new creative economy.
Twenty years ago it would not seem possible that yoga would be an industry in itself or that creating new creative software for computers that are innovative and intuitive would thrive. Here we are on the edge of infusing community into the economy and people wanting to buy from businesses that are local, have a community mind and somehow improve the world. You may ask, what does the economy have to do with spiritual development or advancement? EVERYTHING! When humanity comes to a place where all people are aware of how they invest and spend their money and priorities shift from war and greed to art, children, self improvement and creativity we are evolving.
The UK is leading the global economy in setting a creative economic agenda. They are infusing creative ideas and community aspects into both private and public sectors. This innovation is moving into cities across the world. In places like Maine and Vermont “buy local” signs shine in the windows of stores. We are growing a vibrant creative economy which can be seen in the millions of people in the US who participate in Co-Ops, community gardens and community supported agriculture. Are you are part of the creative economy? Are you investing in services and products that are creative, local, sustainable and kind to animals? Do you work for a creative business or own one yourself?
The world economy is shifting. At times it may feel uncertain if you follow the newspapers and listen to what the television tells you without getting more information from other sources. Many people feel that they do not have enough money without really looking at how they are actually spending their money. Once you align yourself with living in harmony with money it will grow for you! But that is a blog for another time.
The transition to the new creative economy is underway. Will you be a part of it?
My new workshop Luminous 8 Professional Development for the Soul will help you embrace your divine potential in body, mind and spirit…
Rise Within..Be A WE
Rise Within..Be a WE
It’s time NOW more than ever to Rise Within and Join the Movement of the WE! Let’s release the old mentality of ME and Ego thinking. The EARTH is speaking and showing us more than ever that all lives matter, all people matter. WE ARE ONE. WE – You and Me and Him and Her all connected create the collective. YOU have the power to choose will you be a ME or a WE. I’m assuming if you are getting this newsletter you are a WE – so thank you ! I know, I know -Its not always easy being a WE. Are you a WE? Ways to know you are a WE:
-Stay grounded and focused on inner development
-BE the light that you ARE..Shine your WEness
-Yawn- Its contagious -Yawning helps release stress and old energy
-Smile -Its contagious
-Eat local foods and brighter colors (more veggies..less heavy food)
-Do Yoga
RISE WITHIN.. Tips to keep and Grow you WE:
Our energies help shift weather, politics, policies, financials, health care etc.. Its a big concept to grasp but when you SEE it and FEEL it for You -its understandable that this affects the WE.
-Live in your heart
-Think before you speak
-Commit random acts of kindness
-Feel deeply
– Connected to nature
-Care about the greater good
– Express empathy
Attend workshops that help you release Ego or Fear and call in Love and Collaboration. Check out my upcoming classes on Yoga Nidra and Luminous 8 … WE Are Growing !!! Xo
With WE Blessings and Love, Melissa
Telepathy, Taste and Time!
Have you ever tasted a nice cup of coffee or tea or a bite of apple pie that took you back to a childhood memory? Taste and smell are more connected to memory than any other sense. So how does it work that you can have a taste or a smell make you travel back in time but what if time is just an illusion and it is happening all at once?
Time on the planet earth is linear. Or is it!? Over 100 years ago Einstein predicted gravitational wave theory and people laughed at him. The idea that time may have depth and be all happening at once seems hard to grasp until you add in the fact of gravity. Gravity effects time – it can speed up time or slow it down. Clock time is one thing and when you get trapped in 24 hour living you miss the magic that happens when you deepen in the present moment. Think back to a time when you were playing baseball, walking on a beach, hiking a mountain, a time when you were having fun and time seemed to stand still. Imagine living that way always- nowhere to go nothing to do- just dropping into the splendor of the moment.
Over the course of the next 10 to 20 years the implications of this new form of time will be integrated into our world. How do we know this is true? Have you noticed that time feels deeper, quicker or that more can happen in a short period of time? If so you are living in quantum time. These waves can warp our perceptions of time.
To learn more about gravitational waves watch this 3 minute video
If you want a deeper more expanded explanation watch this video
If taste reminds us of the past and experience where does telepathy come in? Have you ever known someone was going to call you before your phone rang? Have you ever felt someone’s thoughts before you heard them speak? That is telepathy.
Telepathy is receiving thoughts or feelings from another person over a distance without using one of the five typical senses of sight, sound, touch, taste or smell. It is more likely to happen between people who have an existing close relationship but scientists have found that everyone has the gift of telepathy and just like a present you need to unwrap it to use it.
How can you unwrap your telepathy? Try and meditate more, use electronics less. Learn to trust the path of your telepathy. Remember time is not linear. Our perception of time being intact masks the deeper reality. Time folds in on itself and when you are in an expanded state, such as meditating or asleep you are tapping into this quantum reality. Larry Dossey is perhaps one the world’s leading experts in this field. He has written many books including “10 Things You Need to Know About Premonitions”.
Premonition can come from dreams or times of knowing that occur. The word premonition has Latin roots and means “pre-warning”. In his 2009 article, “Extended Human Capacities in Shift: At the Frontiers of Consciousness” Larry Dossey MD explains, “By linking minds across space and time, premonitions reveal the oneness of which the scientists speak. They suggest that in some sense we are infinite or non-local in space and time. When we deeply sense this, we may become ‘transparent to the transcendent’ as mythologist Joseph Campbell put it.” We become conscious of the link .”He goes on to state that “Premonitions also reveal a ‘feeling side’ to the world. Studies reveal that premonitions frequently link people who love each other, parents and children, siblings, twins, lovers, and very close friends.” This link is love and compassion!
Because I know what it feels like when something big in the world is going to happen or has happened, I have a sense of a pre-warning. I believe we all have this but our abilities vary due to your level of understanding.
Another big pre-knowing that occurred in my life was the Tsunami in Japan in 2011. In 2010, I contacted a leading expert in the world on Nuclear Power about my vision and explained to her that I saw a very large event, an event that was going to occur on a global scale. I knew it had to do with a nuclear power plant and I could see thousands of people dying. I was very distressed and was hopeful I could get some answers. I kept seeing that the meltdown was triggered by an earthquake and it was going to happen soon. On the morning of the Tsunami I awoke as if I was shot out of a cannon. In my mind and body I could feel the souls of people leaving the planet at an increasing speed, it felt like the earth had tipped over. I immediately turned on the television and within 45 minutes the reports started pouring in and my worst fears were realized.
I truly believe that we are in a time of great change and if you are reading this you have felt it too, you were guided to know this information. By learning different types of intuition you will hone in on your natural strengths and gain insights into how to fine tune your vibration to match with the frequency of Source Consciousness.
What feelings do you get that could help others? How can spirit interact with you? How can telepathy help you in your life? Listen and feel your way forward. Pay attention to smells or tastes that come out of the blue when you are thinking of a loved one. For example if you are thinking of your father in spirit and he smoked and you smell or taste smoke he is connecting with you telepathically.
So do you want to test your telepathy? Get three friends and follow this wonderful experiment from the Institute for Noetic Sciences
I hope you enjoy this process and work on connecting with your telepathy.
Love never dies: Heaven Signs
Love Never Dies- Heaven Signs.
Love never dies and we never die. Remember you are an energy being before you are a human being. We start as spirit and we end as spirit. The realm of spirit is miraculous and magical! I am honored to speak to this world and bring messages forward. If you doubt that love cannot transcend space and time read these 3 mini stories of Love from the other side.
Giggles from Heaven: The loss of a child is one of the deepest losses a person can endure. I cannot image the pain. What I can tell you is that love never dies. I once had a lady come in and after her meditation I started singing this song, ” Five little monkeys jumping on the bed one fell off and bumped his head” the lady started to cry and when I said your young daughter is here she smiled not just with her face but with her soul. That was the song she sang to her every night before bed. The love that touched her that day brought light and peace to her heart.
The Red Rose. The loss of a spouse is one of the most difficult things in life. I had a women who had lost her husband come to see me. I was told from spirit before she came that her husband had passed on and they were married for over 5o years. I wrote down all these things and then he said “red rose”. I drew a picture of a red rose, when I opened the door and a woman was standing there with her daughter holding a red rose. That very day was the woman’s wedding anniversary and her husband had always bought her one red rose. The daughter had brought it as comfort and her father knew she would bring it.
That was divine love and signs that love never dies.
Animals Speak. Pets are pets no matter how strange others may see them. I often do phone sessions and when I hear a persons voice I see images and hear information. I usually like to ease into the session but sometimes the information is like a lightening bolt. This gentleman had never had a session and was very skeptical. All I could see was an alligator. My mind wanted to fight the image but it would not release it so I said “your alligator is here”. He laughed and I thought, oh no I’m totally off, but I kept speaking. I said “Alex the alligator loves you” and then he started to cry “I loved him I had him for over 15 years, he was my best friend.” The love from Alex reached his soul and he felt peace.
Are you paying attention? Do you listen to love from your heart, the hearts of others and the other side?
Pay attention to numbers, patterns and animal totems. Love never dies and neither do we.
Drop into your wisdom of eternity.
With deep love,
Growing Your Auric Knowing!
Growing Your Auric Knowing
Just as everything has a frequency and vibration, so too does our planet. Around the earth is a magnetic field that is called the geomagnetic field. This field connects the core of the earth to the space around our planet much like a magnet on a refrigerator. Now imagine the earth is the refrigerator and you are the magnet, you can actually tap into this magnetic field using your own vibrational frequency! What is even more amazing is that when you tap into the larger energy you have access to everything that ever was and everything that will ever be!
How can you connect with this field? These frequencies are often called waves, similar to the string theory that Einstein described. Electromagnetic waves, similar to those found in musical tones, run through you. Think of your favorite song, now hold that song in your mind and try to send the words and tones through your body. How does that feel? You may feel happy. A smile may appear on your face, or you may feel sad or upset. This is one of the ways frequency affects us in our daily lives, the energy in the music affects your own auric field.
I have an auric field? Yes, everyone has a field just like the one that is around the earth. Each auric field is different, some have textures, temperatures and feelings. Think about a time when you were around an angry person and the feeling it gave you without even speaking to the person. We are true vibrational beings and the more we sink into this knowing the more we can align with our potential in all aspects of living. Just like Pig Pen in the Peanuts cartoon we carry around what we see, say, hear and feel. The best part of your aura is learning to communicate with it, feel your own and then play with the energy. Notice what makes it feel different just by a change in behavior or attitude. 90% of alll communication is non-verbal so you are also reading other people’s aura whether you realize it or not.
Growing Your Aura Exercise: I would like you to clap your hands 5 times and then rub them together briskly. Then slowly pull your hands apart to about 4 inches and see what you feel. Start to pull your hands further apart and then closer, as if a magnetic ball is forming. Can you feel this magnetic energy? This is the invisible you, the real you! You may feel heat, electricity or magnetic and static energy. This is your personal vibration – your auric energy. When you practice creating energy balls by clapping and/or rubbing your hands together you can start to feel energy not only within your own being but around other people.
Find a friend who would be open to you working with them. Walk them through the exercise we just did. Then sit with them for about 5 minutes listening to some soft relaxing music. Next, have your friend stand two feet away from you with their eyes closed. Walk toward them with your hands cupped in the air in front of you at arm’s length, feel the change in the air as you draw nearer. Move very slowly so you can feel the difference. When you’re within about six inches of them, spread your arms outside their shoulders and slowly pull your hands in—not to touch them but to see if you can feel heat, vibration, energy, or a magnetic frequency around them. This is their energy or auric field. It helps sometimes to you have your eyes closed as well to heighten your own senses. Try this several times and with different people, as you become aware of this energy you can grow it and know it. Every morning in the shower ask to clear any negativity out of your body using the water and soap to rinse you clean and clear out any stuck emotions. Give it a try and watch the magic happen!