Grow Your Knowing® Blog

Melissa Boyd – Motivational & Keynote Speaker

Moving Your Business Forward By Standing Still
Melissa guides your executive team in activities to assess learning styles, understand the brain link between procedural and declarative memory, and integrate simple wellness routines and creative communication strategies to optimize outcomes and achieve retention and growth in the workplace.

Resources for Intuitive Development
Melissa presents eight rhythms to leadership mastery, exploring how 93% of communication is non-verbal. The audience learns innovative ways to enhance professional, personal, and intuitive development, with insights on brain development and manifesting principles.

Creating a Legacy for Your Company or Community
Melissa explores creating a lasting impact through public service. Audience members will power map their company’s soul purpose and build an abundance blueprint using sound, mantras, and manifestation.

Empowering Teens and Tweens Through Language
Melissa outlines how to support young leaders through effective communication. Using a dictionary she developed for at-risk youth, audiences gain reflective questioning techniques and new tools to engage with students, children, or community groups.

From My Pillow to the Podium: How Nighttime Dreams Can Create Wakeful Change
Melissa investigates sleep medicine and dream consciousness, revealing how to become effective leaders during sleep. She shares her story of bringing Retired General Colin Powell to Maine from a dream, demonstrating how better sleep can help solve problems.
Download Melissa’s Speaker Brochure to learn more about having Melissa provide one of her signature or custom speaking engagements.

Becoming Timeless SaTaNaMA

How do you measure time? Time is an illusion and is experienced in many different ways. There are two types of time, Chronos and Karios.We usually get caught up in Chronos or clock time. Our fast paced lives become rigid and inflexible. When we get caught up in clock time we miss out on all the magic.

The two types of time:
1. Chronos or chronological time that flows from past to present to future 
2. Karios time or God time where you can sink into the moment.

Chronos time examples are hurrying to beat the clock, feeling pressured by workload, getting caught up in running out of time, always fixated on how time is running out or how things are rushing forward.

Karios time is when you sip in a sunset, get lost in a daydream, feel timeless when you look up to see a flock of birds bank left in the sky or simply look in the eyes of your spouse, child or puppy and feel lost in the moment. It is easy to forget that time is a resource and we can harness it in new and different ways.

My favorite ways to measure time are
how long it takes to sip a cup of tea, watching an incense burn down to the bottom of the stick, how long it takes the tide to rise on the shore. Start to drop into the magic of time that nature provides us.

A way to rinse your relationship with time can be as easy as a moving Audra Meditation called Sa Ta Na Ma.
~ Sa means infinity, Ta means life or birth, Na means death of form or transformation and Ma means rebirth.

To practice, bring your hands to your lap palms facing up. Touch your thumb and first finger and chant Sa, then second finger to thumb and chant Ta, ring finger and thumb and chant Na and finally little finger to thumb and chant Ma. Repeat this at your own pace for ten minutes or more to feel the rhythm of time and timeless floating through your fingers.

For another way to experience floating in time here is a link to my remote viewing meditation which helps you to see 5 years into your future.

Detox Tips

Detoxing is a powerful process toward personal power and spiritual transformation. Detoxing can be done in many forms. This spring take time to detox in one of these 3 ways. In my upcoming classes and workshops I share hands on activities and tools to rinse and activate spiritual connections. 

Three Ways to Detox

1. Detox your speech.
Listen more and speak less. 
Take vow of silence for one to three hours per day. 
Let go of gossip or use of judgmental words.

2. Detox your body.
Abstain from coffee or alcohol for a few days or even a week to feel free of mind altering substances. 
Take a day or more to enjoy only vegetarian meals.
Drink more water and perhaps enjoy a detox tea before bed.

3. Detox Your Mind.
Mediate each morning or evening for at least 15 minutes.
Let go of worry and give yourself permission to turn off your mind.
Abstain from all electronics and any types of media for a few hours or better yet a day or more. 

Commit to let go and drop into the moment to restore your energy body.

In this time of many transitions of the earth, taking time to detox will create more space and flow to each unfolding moment. 

Sending Peace to You and our World… 

In divine loving service, 

50 Tips for Self Love

Unconditional love means no strings attached. Love is the thing that we all are reaching for and trying to feel in our lives? Love can be hard and heavy but it can be beautiful and magical. The ultimate way to cultivate the feeling of unconditional love is to first have self love. I’m turning 50 this month and what I have learned, mostly the hard way, is that LOVE starts with self.

My birthday gift to you is 50 Tips For Self Love. I hope you find at least one or two ways you can love yourself more.  

1. Repeat after me, “I am enough!” You are your best resource and trying to spread yourself too thin will deplete your shine~ Honor your amazing spirit
2. Massage your hands
3. Massage your feet 
4. Drink more water and say happy words to yourself as you do – I love using adjectives! Amazing, terrific, caring, deep listener ect.
5. Take a bubble break – always take a break to blow bubbles, it creates a playful heart 
6. Drink detox and caffeine-free teas that promote rest and digestion 
7. Soak in a tub for at least 20 minutes twice a week 
8. Create a Joy Jar- Write on little pieces of paper things that spark joy in your life – it can be anything at all like hummingbirds, a light spring rain, your wife 
9. Mirror mantras – repeat positive affirmations to yourself in the mirror and smile while doing it. This creates a connection between the you, the I and the Ego Me. A great way for reflective discovery 
10. Do seated twists daily to rinse out the issues in your tissues 
11. “Do not push the river” this is one of my favorite sayings from Ralph Blum’s Viking Runes. Allow the river to flow as it is -you don’t need to go into hyper speed- if something is not ready, be patient 
12. Read poetry aloud, it is soothing to heart and mind 
13. Be your own DJ – pick the songs that lift you up and commit to listening to them at least once a week. When I was a DJ in Boston, I loved to watch music lift people up out of their chairs like dancing balloons!
14. High-five yourself in the mirror 
15. Buy yourself flowers 
16. Do two random acts of kindness weekly and try to not get caught- this is a way to add your zest into the world and grow your philanthropic wings
17. Forgive yourself more often
18. Listen to that voice inside your heart space and follow it
19. Get a massage once a month, once every quarter or at least twice a year 
20. Open up the space between your toes, it often holds doubt and worry
21. Lean your whole back body into a wall or surrender to the floor and feel the power of your spine
22. Receive a compliment with a “thank you”, no arguing
23. Own your Yes’s and No’s, do what you feel you can when you want to – do not allow yourself to be bullied or guilted into a task that hurts your soul 24. Follow your curiosity, pledge to be a lifelong learner
25. Do Butterfly Taps – take your right hand to your left shoulder and left hand to right shoulder and start to tap back and forth to thank your body for being alive
26. Honor your voice – use your words wisely
27. Let go of  saying “I’m sorry” when it comes from a place of lack 
28. Say three things you are grateful for each night before you sleep and let those happy thoughts dance in your dreams
29. Give yourself permission to pause – life is a process not a destination
30. Listen to a guided meditation to open your heart
31. Practice loving kindness 
32. Sleep in..when you can.. rest and renewal make a better you
33. Invite the wind to take a walk with you and be surprised at the magic you feel in the moment
34. Write yourself a letter every year on your birthday to celebrate how terrific you are
35. Forgive a friend or a family member who has hurt you – even if its in a letter you never send – allow space to open in your heart
36. Walk outside at least twice a week if you can for heart health
37. Take vitamins or supplements like D, C, B-complex for immune boosting support for your health and longevity
38. Take a social media break to let your brain rest – this helps with anxiety and mental angst
39. Do not explain yourself to others – be unapologetically you 
40. Let go of comparing yourself to others- honor your greatness
41. Clean out that clutter – let go of clothes from your closet, papers, emails and even stale relationships hanging out in your life – spring clean so you can shine inside and out
42. Be kind to yourself and others
43. One day a week take a vow of silence even if it is for 2-4 hours – allow your whole body to rest and not be going
44. Take a vacation  – one of the biggest wishes from the other side, they wish they took time to take time
45. Volunteer – it helps you connect with causes and people who matter
46. Count your blessings often and deeply 
47. Cry More – crying helps to release old stuck energies and allows flow to your nervous system  
48. Be open- never say never and allow miracles to manifest
49. Dance with a butterfly – move with these beautiful beings when they grace your path
50. Celebrate the unique being that you are 


How to Create Systemic Change in Your Life

Awareness is what creates systemic change.  How often have you been told that meditation and mindfulness is critical to reducing stress, vital to longevity and even essential to emotional health? How often do you pause and breathe ? Are you aware of your breath? I know that for me for about 20 years running national organizations as an advocate and executive, I was living by my work schedule and then crashing hard on weekends. I forgot to breathe, even ended up in the hospital on many occasions due to dehydration and panic attacks. I was disconnected and I thought I had the world in my hands – you see it was that ego driven life I had been promised would bring me radiant abundance.

Depleted and running on empty, the merry go round stopped and that is when the real work began. I share this to let you know, I have been there!  I get the excuses.. 

-but, you don’t understand 
-I don’t have time 
-I have no choice
Today is New Moon in Cancer – a time of resetting our energy system.  In astrology we know the power of each zodiac sign and when you intentionally connect with the moon, you can feel the vibrations. 

Take time to set intentions using the compassion that cancer holds.  Take a moment to reprogram your energy and say these affirmations for the next 4 days and see how you feel. An affirmation is a positive statement that connects with our evolutionary experience. Even if you do not believe the affirmation please say it anyway.
I am connected to my intuition  

I am honoring my sensitive nature

I am connected to the family, I choose

I am practicing compassionate speech

I am supported I am a part of this divine universe 

Sending you vibrant awakenings, 


P.S. I am over the moon to have Grow Your Knowing merchandise – including sips of inspiration and delicious orbs of light hats and T-shirts! please check it out!

Live your luminosity ..steps to evolve

This past year has certainly been challenging for the world. And with all the challenges there are glimmers of hope, bubbles of illumination. The World Café model,  brings people together to create conversations and to shift organizations. It has been utilized from as high as the UN to local community soup kitchens. What I have always loved about participating in these conversations is the opportunity to listen and contribute in new ways. When embarking upon conversations, the World Cafe invites participants to adopt models of thinking, what they call Café Etiquette. Perhaps in this time of transformation and creative collectives we could all learn from some of their ideas. 
On their website The World Café outlines their conversation etiquette which include the following. Maybe you could adopt some of their strategies in your everyday conversation. 
1. Focus on what matters
2. Contribute your thinking and experience
3. Speak from the heart
4. Listen to understand
5. Link and connect ideas
6. Listen together for deeper themes, insights and questions
7.  Play, doodle, draw
My life’s work has been about helping people flow into their state of luminosity. The earth is a luminous place, just watch a sunset or a whale leaping out of the ocean to kiss the air above.

I have dreamt about the earth since I was a child, I could feel earthquakes and storms far away and even years into the future. In the mid 1980’s, I won an honorable mention at a science fair with my greenhouse gas model. I remember when I presented, I started explaining things that we had not yet learned about. My young mind articulated systems that even my science teachers were stumped about. When asked where I obtained the information, my 12 year old voice stated “the earth told me”.

The fear in my body of geomagnetic storms and winter tornados filled my dreams. Space weather and The Space Force coming together to help make dynamic shifts in our world filled my mind most days. All along my guides have been very clear that we, as a human race, must embrace Pangea, when the earth was one super continent, and that one day the earth will come back together. I feel that this message, which has never stopped, for me is both literal and energetic. 

I now look at this time in our global transformation as an opportunity for us to rise to the challenge of climate change and grow the human spirit. Our light bodies contain deep wisdom and creative solutions, if only we have the courage to awaken our energetic knowing.

As a species, as an earth and as a global community, we are evolving and understanding the call for action to create an earth of vibrational peace and mutual respect for nature and each other. 

I am offering some deeply transformative classes that will help you awaken your subtle body which has more power than you could ever imagine. I call these classes Soul Evolution and they are based on leaving the linear behind. 

When I say linear action to luminous motion, what does that mean? Think about a child, they hardly ever do anything in a linear way. When they are brushing their teeth, setting a table or taking out the recycling aren’t they humming, skipping, laughing and simply being joyful? What happened to your child like heart? Have you lost your zest? Turning on the lights of your heart when you’re doing linear action can help you live a life that’s luminous.

You don’t know where to start? Here are some examples.

1. When you take a shower chant your chakra system. Starting from the base of your spine to the top of your head
Lam, Vam, Ram, Yam, Ham, KSham, Om 

2. While in a salt bath at the end of you day or work week, listen to whales on YouTube and imagine you are being held and supported by the oceans 

3.Park your car at the end of the lot. As you walk, with each step send love to the earth and invite the next person who follows in your steps to absorb your joy. 

4. When walking your dog or getting the mail hum “Somewhere over the rainbow” or “You are my sunshine”. 

5. As you are getting ready for a meeting, awaken your crown chakra to co-create outcomes and call on your source energy by using my 5 min crown chakra meditation.

My wish for you is to unlock the luminous that floats all around you – remember you are energy first! 

Be a Delicious Orb of Light!

With butterfly blessings,

Connecting with Spirit Guides and New Moons

Our world is full of transitions and transformations. When I am conducting sessions with people across the globe I feel their patterns, rhythms and cycles. Life is full of changes and transitions and it can be hard to face transitions and even identify what needs to be changed. As a world, we are facing extreme change and it may feel unsafe, scary, isolating and lonely. 

But you are not alone and we are not lost. We have the opportunity to connect on a deeper level to ourselves, to the spirit world and to the mystical energy that holds the fabric of our very earth in gravity.  We all have opportunities to evolve our way of living, being and relating to ourselves and each other. What an exciting time to be alive. 

I want to share with you two concrete ways that you can connect with two powerful tools. Spirit guides and new moons / super moons. 

We live in a dimensional reality. Have you ever had a daydream? A premonition? Dejavu? Have you had dreams of your loved ones who have passed on that feel so real?  Have you lost yourself in a movie, a song, a book or a walk in nature?  All of these actions are about you traveling in time into experience.  For centuries people have used prayer, meditation, ritual and guided meditation to deepen their connection to the source – you may call source the universe, God, Higher Power or perhaps nature. It is where you feel connected, the way you feel that you are part of the one. 

We are not alone. Since a small child I have been visited by angels and spirit guides, but I am not unique. We all have the ability to access their guidance. All you have do is keep an open mind and relax your body, mind and spirit. I have two ways to assist you in accessing your own spirit guides, like a gps I will teach you to awaken your connection to your spirit team. 

One way is guided meditation.  Here is the link to Meet Your Spirit Guides meditation:

The second way is to join me for a class via Zoom on How to Meet Your Spirit Guides. Learn how to invoke your connection with the spirit guides using color, sound and symbols. October 20th at 7pm EST is the next opportunity to take this class. Here is a link to register:

New Moon Manifesting Ritual 

We are  magnetic and can attract and manifest things into our lives. Each month we have a new moon which carry with them the ability to create and manifest.  The astrological signs are connected with these moon cycles and have been used by ancient cultures to make decisions, plant crops, plan weddings and even travel across the seas.  This wisdom is still there and often untapped by humanity today. How does it work? Each month during the new moon you take a piece of paper and write down manifesting statements relating to the areas the new moon rules over. Start each manifesting statement with I AM, see the statement as true and as you write, feel the outcome. (You can write 6-7 I AM creations per New Moon) Always use paper and a pen, not your computer, and put the date on the page.  Fold it up and put it in a jar, box or some sacred vessel and let the universe listen to your desires and truths. I highly suggest writing down the New Moon days in your schedule or on your calendar as not to forget these delicious days.   I love the work of Jan Spiller who has been teaching this process for over 3o years. Jan Spillers book, New Moon Astrology can help you dive deeper into this monthly practice.  

It is extremely rare for new moons to also be super moons.  The super moon occurs when the moon is at its closest orbit to the earth.  Remember, the moon creates the rise and fall of the tides,  your emotions and even the emotions of our world. Take time to be intentional, connect in with the energy of the moon and create a ritual around each new moon.  Remember, we are never really in control of anything except our reactions and our actions. 

October 16th ( Super Moon)  Libra Rules
Partnerships including: Marriage, Agreements, Sharing Interdependence, Fairness including: Balance, Equality, Negotiation, Appreciating opposite views, Harmony including: Peace, Beauty, Art, Décor, Teamwork including: Cooperation, Collaboration, Supportive Relationships, Sociability including: Being companionable, Tact, Affinity, Diplomacy, Refinement including: Elegance, Luxury, Grace, Pampering, Good Taste, Stimulating Well-being including: Adrenal Glands, Buttocks, Diabetes, Kidney

November 15th (Super Moon)  Scorpio Rules 
Empowerment including:  Heightened Awareness, Charisma, Passion, Transcendence including: Transformation, Change, Eternalness, Self-Mastery including:  Attraction, Depth, Strength, Deep Connections including: Sex, Soul-Mates, Bonding, Financial Partnerships including: Contracts, Business, Co-creation, Predicament including: Living on the leading edge, Obsessions, Intense interactions, Stimulating Well-being including: Organs of elimination (rectum, colon, bladder) PMS/Menstruation, Sexuality.

Remember, transitional times offer transformational power.  My heart is sending you opportunities to connect with these powerful tools for self transformation. 

In divine loving service, 

Mindfulness…Less Is More

Spring reminds us to take time for rebirth. In order to plant something new we must prepare the ground, cultivate the soil, pull out the weeds and make space.  Then we water and wait for the emergence of a bud to flower in all its splendor and simplicity. This is happening both in nature and within our hearts. 

Less is more at this time. Go slow with yourself and honor your energy. What aspect of your life would you like to rebirth or reset? Whatever your focus you only need to use five  simple steps.

1. Let Go  
Let go of expectations about what rebirth looks like or feels like. Clearing out the old is essential.  Release clutter in your mind, your heart, your physical body or surroundings. 

2. Be Willing to Change
Intentionally prepare for change.  Remember change is not easy, simply be willing to be willing 

3. Have a Support System  
We do not grow alone, the flower needs the sun and rain to sprout. Ask for help from a friend, a mentor, a spirit guide or your higher power to have the strength to remove or rebirth an aspect of your life. 

4. Kindness to yourself and others
Send love to all you meet, look people in the eye and  send them a smile. As your feet step on the earth imagine your heart is kissing the earth and each step is a vibration of soft compassion for all who step in the same space. 

5. Patience and Grace
This takes time and true growth is a process. 
In his book “No Mud, No Lotus: The Art of Transforming Suffering,” Thich Nhat Hanh reminds us without suffering, there is no happiness. So we shouldn’t discriminate against the mud. We have to learn how to embrace and cradle our own suffering and the suffering of the world, with a lot of tenderness. 

Take this time appreciate the love around you on the earth. I love this website by Amy Melissa Witt on Mindful Gardening  – I hope it speaks to you as well. 

Speaking of mindfulness I am teaching a 3-week class on mindfulness and meditation.  I hope you will join me for the class or commit to deepen your own practice. 

Bright Blessings for rebirth on all levels, 


AwakeKidOnes 2020

Happy 2020! As we move into a new decade we also move into a new time, the power of evolution is at work. You may have heard the terms crystal, indigo or star children. When I was born and could feel, see and hear spirit in 1972 it was not a safe time to show my gifts.  I KNEW without a doubt that “New Kids”,  I call them the Awake KID Ones, are the children who will show humanity the way forward. That is why I have dedicated over 20 years of my life to advance children’s issues on the statewide and national level. And now I am over the moon that Awake Kid One’s are being recognized!  Now here we are in 2019, TIME’s person of the year Greta Thunberg is clearly an Awake Kid One who is speaking her truth and leading a movement to save our earth.  

What defines an Awake Kid One? 
– bright eyes, bright smile and high heart
-Loving intention and charismatic energy 
-Peaceful intentions
-Works from a place of WE vs ME (egoless)
-Speaks kind words and does kind deeds
-Knows things intuitively 
-Love easily and freely
-Feels ageless, always lives with a childlike heart 
– Can be 3-140 years of age – AwakeKids Ones live in the now 

It is imperative that we individually and as a society honor and support intuitive and sensitive kids.  In my own experience being an extra sensitive and feeling misunderstood I turned to alcohol, food and drugs to numb the pain of knowing and feeling different from those around me. I even struggled with depression and had suicidal thoughts and attempts.  Thankfully, today I am clean and sober and released over 150 lbs  and help others to do the same. 

Trauma, according to the American Psychological Association is “ an emotional response to a terrible event like an accident, rape or natural disaster. Immediately after the event, shock and denial are typical. Longer term reactions include unpredictable emotions, flashbacks, strained relationships and even physical symptoms like headaches or nausea. While these feelings are normal, some people have difficulty moving on with their lives.” 

In today’s world children need to prepare for the possibility of a school shooting, a tornado or hurricane or feeling threatened or bullied by others.  The stress and tension has caused children to turn to alcohol and drugs at a young age.  The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study looked at childhood trauma and adult health, the findings were that these traumatic experiences could affect the person even 50 years later. 

International surveys show that traumatic experiences are very common across the world. One study showed that nearly half of all children in the United States are exposed to at least one traumatic social or family experience (Bethell et al, 2014). According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, suicide is considered the second leading cause of death among college students, the second leading cause of death for people ages 25–34, and the fourth leading cause of death for adults between the ages of 18 and 65. We all need to support one another as we move into a  new decade. I invite you to share on my facebook page your story about being Awake, send me an email or share a story on my social media  #Awakekidones with your story about how you live in a higher frequency, how your children “know things” and spread empathy and compassion for all.   

We as a species are in a big shift, we are moving from homosapien to homoluminous, science and medicine are seeing huge changes in the babies being born using more of their brain capacities than ever before. Children are being born with higher levels of empathy and love, humanitarian visions and sensitive bodies.
Psychological sciences at the University of Missouri released a 20-year study that gained worldwide attention in 2014 that shows infants as young as 2 months old already have basic knowledge of “intuitive physics”.  Most studies into infant cognition use eye-tracking technology — psychologists can tease out what an infant is thinking and what she/he considers to be unexpected by following her/his gaze in different scenarios. This method, called violation of expectation, involves showing babies photos, videos or events that proceed as expected, followed by others that break everyday rules. If the infant understands the implicit rules, he or she will show little interest in an expected situation, but will stare at images of a surprising event.

“We believe that infants are born with expectations about the objects around them, even though that knowledge is a skill that’s never been taught,” Kristy vanMarle, an assistant professor of psychological sciences at the University of Missouri, said in a statement. “As the child develops, this knowledge is refined and eventually leads to the abilities we use as adults.”

Hespos and VanMarle also learned that  infants can do math, Six-month-old infants can discriminate between numbers of dots (if one set held twice as many dots as the other), and 10-month-old infants can pick out which of two cups holds more liquid (if one cup held four times as much liquid as the other). Also at 10 months of age, babies will consistently choose larger amounts of food — such as crackers — in cups, though only if there are no more than three items in any cup.
Link to the full study

This is showing the world that we are advancing as a species. 
Researcher PMH Atwater LHD from her best selling book “Children of the Fifth World” reports “The greatest talent of the new children is the ability to  abstract and function from the conceptual level. These children are not concrete thinkers. They are adept at the art of conceptualizing, dealing with broad ideas and notions. Forget thinking “outside the box.” For them, the box was never there to begin with. They can tie facts and figures and ideas together and rapidly produce solutions that fit, without having to go through conventional routines. Their minds leap instead of think. That’s why they buckle under “tried and true” methods that demand rote discipline. Kids who abstract get from here to there as if by magic; not because they are wise but because they do not recognize limits. 
A two-year-old child was in a conversation with her mother. She stopped midway, impatiently stomped her feet, and yelled: “I don’t know the word for that yet!” Stop for a moment. How does a child of two know she doesn’t know the word she wants to use at the precise moment she wants to use it? We mistakenly think the new children are wise old souls. This isn’t wisdom at work here–it is the amazing, almost unbelievable ability to abstract knowledge, to know things without knowing. These children are conceptualizers, made to order for the Conceptual Age. The greatest advancement of all advancements in our brain is the prefrontal lobes (both left and right). The prefrontals operate as the seat of judgment, morals, empathy, compassion, and well-being; they moderate social behaviors, decision-making, and personality expression. The prefrontals developed late in the evolution of humankind, becoming a signature feature for distinguishing higher brain development.” 

As we move into a new way of living and leading, be hopeful, be bright and most importantly Be Awake, that is what will shape our earth luminously ..

In 2020 live in your high heart! 

In divine loving service,


Divinity Dives

Have you ever dove head first into your dreams? Have you ever leapt empty handed into the void only to build your wings on the way down? Nine years ago I took the plunge, I call it my Divinity Dive. 
I had been reading people’s energy and loved ones in spirit since I was nine years old.  I had used my intuition in my work in governmental affairs and non-profit management and 10 years ago I spontaneously came out as a Medium on a Maine political television show and soon after people in politics started asking for sessions.  

Then I literally put my future in the hands of my guides and a cardboard sign and it changed my life! I had a very safe and stable position as a lobbyist, I was helping to make deep change in the system representing disability rights, mental health, helping to boost budgets of environmental nonprofit organizations and yet I knew deep inside of me that my soul path was to do my mediumship and soul evolution readings full-time. There is never a  good time to blow up your life, to walk away from a career where you have gained a high caliber reputation and to begin again. When I say to you being a medium was not my choice I mean it! It has always been a part of me but I was always so afraid to take that leap that leap of faith.

I had told three people that the only way I would do this for work was if I met James Van Praagh and he told me to do mediumship full time. Then 10 years ago he came to the Omega Institute in New York. It was at a time when I didn’t have extra money to spend on a workshop but three people, who didn’t know each other, each sent me money that totaled the exact amount I needed for the workshop.  

So off I went to the Omega Institute to meet the man that I had watched on television when I was 15 years old to do the thing that I’ve always been able to do. Within two days of starting the workshop he pulled me up on stage and had me read a person in the audience, after I finished my reading he leaned into me and said, if you can ground down into your divine being you can do this. But you must have no fear and trust absolutely, which means quitting your job and doing this full time. His words felt like warm sunshine on my face and I knew what I had to do.

I returned to Maine and went to my boss Betsy Sweet, who is currently a Democratic Candidate for US Senate, and told her that I needed to leave my position. I loved my work, I loved making a difference but it was time for me to make a difference in a different way.  I left Augusta to drive back home, which is about an hour. As I was driving I was thinking about Omega and the words James had said to me. Thinking, is this real? Is this the right thing to do? And just as I was about to turn around and go back to Augusta and say “wait I made a mistake!” my guides said to me “keep going we have a sign for you just around the next bend”. As I came around the corner I saw an egg truck and on the back it said OMEGA and I knew exactly what I needed to do.

I came home and told my wife I had left my position. She was shocked and little nervous but said “if you can make $5000 by the end of the summer then we can pay our bills.” I had decided to take on a small position to make $800 to do some environmental canvassing. I drove to work one day and at a stoplight I got rear ended. I went to the hospital to get checked out and they said I was fine. I had my car checked out and it was fine also. The next morning I got a call from the insurance company. They said we heard that you got hit in an accident. I said yes, they said are you OK? I said yes. They said, how does $5000 sound for pain and suffering?? And I said yes;) 

The next morning my guides had told me I would have a free office on Main Street in Kennebunk. Free office? How is that even possible? But I’ve learned by now to trust my guides. Later that day I went to an art gallery to meet a friend. When I literally I bumped into a woman in the bathroom and spilled coffee on her she said are you coming to the open house?  I smiled and asked on Main Street in Kennebunk? She said yes, how did you know? I then saw bees in my mind and she said it’s called The Hive and it is a collaborative for local artists. I asked her if she had an Intuitive Medium to do readings.  She said no, do you know someone? Yes, me! She said we cannot pay you. I said no worries I’ll just come for free. I sat in the back on a folding chair at an old card table with a deck of cards and my crystal.  I read for 45 people that night! Back to back 20 minute sessions for what seemed like everyone in town. At the end of the evening she asked, where is your office? I don’t have an office yet but this is what I do. She said we’re trying to create a nonprofit do you know anybody who could help us do that?  My job, previous to being a lobbyist, was creating nonprofits across Maine and Massachusetts and working  with national campaigns.  Yes! She explained we can’t pay you but we could give you a key and you could open the door and help us with this and we would give you the office in the back for free. How does that sound?? I was dancing with the light!

I still had no way of attracting clients so I went into my recycling bin and I took a piece of cardboard and wrote “Readings by Melissa, inquire inside” I had two folding chairs, a card table and a candle. That was nine years ago and within six months I was booking six months out all by word-of-mouth.

I took the leap of faith with my cardboard sign and everything fell into place! I want to personally thank each and every one of you for your support over the past nine years and for Growing your Knowing to awaken within! 

How can YOU do Divinity Diving? 

1. Listen to your heart and ask for help from your higher power and/or guides?
2.  Allow nature to bring you signs from birds, numbers, rainbows and whatever speaks to you.
3. Remember, you are part of the whole of creation and once you quiet your mind and listen synchronicity will appear. 
4. Be open for extraordinary messages through other people
5. Be grateful for where you are and allow the unfolding of your true self to emerge 

I love offering workshops to give you hands on tools and activities to become more centered, energized and intuitive.  Here is a short video on how I teach workshops:

May you be ONE and live in the NOW,


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