Unconditional love means no strings attached. Love is the thing that we all are reaching for and trying to feel in our lives? Love can be hard and heavy but it can be beautiful and magical. The ultimate way to cultivate the feeling of unconditional love is to first have self love. I’m turning 50 this month and what I have learned, mostly the hard way, is that LOVE starts with self.
Awake Kid Ones Supporting Intuitive Kids
2021 has been a year of transitional energy, establishing new norms, deepening our connections and honoring our voices. Kids certainly have been thrown into a soup of transition and as an intuitive kid myself, I wanted to share some hands on resources for people who work with or have intuitive kids. Below is a replay of my June talk and a wonderful article from the NY Times about how these kids have come to this earth with deep compassionate action. I hope you will join me this fall for some of my online classes! Sending you vibrant awakenings, Melissa P.S. I am over the moon to have Grow Your Knowing merchandise – including sips of inspiration and Delicious Orbs of Light hats and T-shirts! Please check it out! https://growyourknowing.merchmake.comUnderstanding and Supporting Intuitive Kids. Here is the link to the video recording of the talk: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/zcOsMhxz15UB35Y2VveFg2JnDkQ2ZMrBKNyrJUZwBCzYN7Q5j2jKtyTuUSRaZgIN.BR7zSA1RTJobyXne Passcode: rKRLy.4G Article on Are the New Kids Here to Save the World https://www.nytimes.com/2006/01/12/fashion/thursdaystyles/are-they-here-to-save-the-world.html |
Spirits Intuitive Intelligence
As long as I’ve been speaking to the spirit world one thing is true, there is an intuitive intelligence and this intuitive intelligence is beyond our comprehension. In the linear world we have rules around what is possible and what we believe can or cannot happen. We are limited by our beliefs about time and space. The spirit world is full of miracles, unconditional blessings and bliss.
That is why when you have had a spiritual awakening or have had contact with your loved one in spirit either through a medium or through your own experience it is a profound transformation.
People ask who inspires me and my answer is always, the spirit world. The spirit world is more alive and vibrant than we are because we are limited by our belief systems and the structures that we have created within our minds that we put in place in our society.
But these structures are slowly letting go. On the earth plane we are slowly learning to dissolve our egos, and learning more and more to trust the magnetics of our heart. Many people say to me I wish I could do what you do or know what you know. Well, I believe you can, with practice, it’s about reawakening your ability to remember.
Remember that you are a spirit being first having a physical experience!
Here are three ways for you to connect with the intuitive intelligence of the spirit world.
1. Ask for guidance from your loved ones and spirit before you go to sleep. Touch a picture of someone who’s passed as you sit and breathe in a positive memory and ask them to visit you while you sleep. When we sleep we move into the layer of our auric field called the Astral Body and this is when we can travel between dimensions.
Many people forget the power of our dream state and how much we can manifest in it. Intention is everything and having an open heart and mind and setting an intention can help. You may need to practice a few times but this is a amazing way for you to feel connected.
2. Upon waking or going to sleep, thank the sun, sip the energy of the sun and imagine the luminous rays of the sun are radiating down through your body. At night look up at the moon and the stars and know that you are drenched in the energy of the cosmos. You are made up of the vibrations of the stars! Think about how children put stars on their ceilings and gaze at the night sky dreaming away. What happened to your childlike heart? Dive into it with the magic of the sun and the moon.
3. Awaken your Crown Chakra with this 6 minute meditation to connect to the vibration of co-creation https://insighttimer.com/growyourknowing/guided-meditations/crown-chakra-meditation-8
Sending you vibrant awakenings,
P.S. I am over the moon to have Grow Your Knowing merchandise – including sips of inspiration and delicious orbs of light hats and T-shirts! please check it out!
Live your luminosity ..steps to evolve
This past year has certainly been challenging for the world. And with all the challenges there are glimmers of hope, bubbles of illumination. The World Café model, http://www.theworldcafe.com brings people together to create conversations and to shift organizations. It has been utilized from as high as the UN to local community soup kitchens. What I have always loved about participating in these conversations is the opportunity to listen and contribute in new ways. When embarking upon conversations, the World Cafe invites participants to adopt models of thinking, what they call Café Etiquette. Perhaps in this time of transformation and creative collectives we could all learn from some of their ideas.
On their website The World Café outlines their conversation etiquette which include the following. Maybe you could adopt some of their strategies in your everyday conversation.
1. Focus on what matters
2. Contribute your thinking and experience
3. Speak from the heart
4. Listen to understand
5. Link and connect ideas
6. Listen together for deeper themes, insights and questions
7. Play, doodle, draw
My life’s work has been about helping people flow into their state of luminosity. The earth is a luminous place, just watch a sunset or a whale leaping out of the ocean to kiss the air above.
I have dreamt about the earth since I was a child, I could feel earthquakes and storms far away and even years into the future. In the mid 1980’s, I won an honorable mention at a science fair with my greenhouse gas model. I remember when I presented, I started explaining things that we had not yet learned about. My young mind articulated systems that even my science teachers were stumped about. When asked where I obtained the information, my 12 year old voice stated “the earth told me”.
The fear in my body of geomagnetic storms and winter tornados filled my dreams. Space weather and The Space Force coming together to help make dynamic shifts in our world filled my mind most days. All along my guides have been very clear that we, as a human race, must embrace Pangea, when the earth was one super continent, and that one day the earth will come back together. I feel that this message, which has never stopped, for me is both literal and energetic.
I now look at this time in our global transformation as an opportunity for us to rise to the challenge of climate change and grow the human spirit. Our light bodies contain deep wisdom and creative solutions, if only we have the courage to awaken our energetic knowing.
As a species, as an earth and as a global community, we are evolving and understanding the call for action to create an earth of vibrational peace and mutual respect for nature and each other.
I am offering some deeply transformative classes that will help you awaken your subtle body which has more power than you could ever imagine. I call these classes Soul Evolution and they are based on leaving the linear behind.
When I say linear action to luminous motion, what does that mean? Think about a child, they hardly ever do anything in a linear way. When they are brushing their teeth, setting a table or taking out the recycling aren’t they humming, skipping, laughing and simply being joyful? What happened to your child like heart? Have you lost your zest? Turning on the lights of your heart when you’re doing linear action can help you live a life that’s luminous.
You don’t know where to start? Here are some examples.
1. When you take a shower chant your chakra system. Starting from the base of your spine to the top of your head
Lam, Vam, Ram, Yam, Ham, KSham, Om
2. While in a salt bath at the end of you day or work week, listen to whales on YouTube and imagine you are being held and supported by the oceans
3.Park your car at the end of the lot. As you walk, with each step send love to the earth and invite the next person who follows in your steps to absorb your joy.
4. When walking your dog or getting the mail hum “Somewhere over the rainbow” or “You are my sunshine”.
5. As you are getting ready for a meeting, awaken your crown chakra to co-create outcomes and call on your source energy by using my 5 min crown chakra meditation. https://insighttimer.com/growyourknowing/guided-meditations/crown-chakra-meditation-8
My wish for you is to unlock the luminous that floats all around you – remember you are energy first!
Be a Delicious Orb of Light!
With butterfly blessings,
Gift, Grief and Milestone Giving
2020 has surely been a year of change! We have watched our world face a pandemic, seen the human spirit be tested and watched acts of kindness big and small capture our hearts. I am hopeful that this year, although tragic in the numbers of lives lost and the increase in homeless and unemployed, that there has been some increase in self awareness. It is the holiday season and although we may not feel like it, this time of year it is important to check in with our hearts. What does your heart need at this time? That’s why I am sharing these three simple treasures with you.
Free Gift
As my free gift to you, I am giving you a 10 minute downloaded meditation which allows you to connect with your future self. This is a very powerful self awareness meditation that allows you to travel forward in time. I recommend doing it at the end of the day when your mind is relaxed and have a pen and paper handy to jot down any insights.
Download Meditation: See Your Future
Grief Resources
I often describe grief like waves, they come and they go. Sometimes grief is so deep it feels like an undertow pulling you down to the bottom of the ocean, other times a simple thing can remind you of your loved one and make you smile. There can be tremendous sadness around the holidays and it can be even more important to reach out. Here are some wonderful resources I feel will assist your soul.
The Center for Grieving Children has some amazing articles, resources and book suggestions here https://www.cgcmaine.org/resources/
64 Tips for Coping with Grief at the Holidays https://whatsyourgrief.com/64-tips-grief-at-the-holidays/
Giving Updates: Thank You!!
Growing up civically minded, I ask everyday, how can I be of service? How can I give from my abundance? This year I am overjoyed to say WE have hit $100,000 in giving! Over the past 9 years, through gifting complimentary sessions to families of children who have died tragically and the Meditate and Donate series we have raised over $100,000!!
As one person, I could never have reached this goal but with your compassionate heart we have done it together! The organizations who have received donations are The Center for Grieving Children, River Tree Arts, Olympia Snow’s Leadership Program, United Way of Kennebunk, Kennebunk Land Trust, Save the Children Foundation and A Place to Start. Every dollar counts and every act from your heart fills the souls of so many. I cannot thank you enough for your generosity!
Tips To Grow Gratitude
It’s been quite a roller coaster of a ride these past 8 months! The truth is that we grow and shift more in the storms than in the sunshine and it is helpful to practice gratitude. Gratitude is a form of hope, faith and peace. In what ways have you evolved this year? Have you adapted to a new routine? Have you developed compassion for yourself and others?
Some of the significant gifts of gratitude have been:
- Pet Adoptions are up. More pets have been adopted than any other time.
- Music being played from windows in NYC and other cities to send light to hospitals
- Children inspiring communities by doing can drives, making desks, making masks, talking about being kind.
- Drive-by birthday celebrations with signs and bubbles to cheer on families.
Growing gratitude is like watering a flower, at first we have to plant the seed then allow time to help with transformation. Being patient and having faith grow with practice.
What ways can you grow your gratitude? I suggest these 3 actions. Being of service helps us be more grateful.
- Lean into the sky. When you are outdoors know that the sky supports you, air is all around you, just lean in and breathe in the fresh air and thank the air and the sky for being.
- Write to or call an old friend, leave a plant or flowers on the doorstep of a neighbor, donate to a soup kitchen, give to a charity.
- Ground down into the earth with this simple 5 minute meditation. https://insighttimer.com/growyourknowing/guided-meditations/root-chakra-plus-earth-star-chakra-immersion-meditation
When we get stuck in fear we miss miracles all around us. I hope the fear can wash over you and offer some helpful lessons. We learn about our trust in a higher power and the unlimited possibilities we all have. If fear arises, look at it as a wise teacher.
Take a moment to appreciate your essence and your light that radiates into the earth. As always, give from your abundance and not from your reserve. My heart is grateful for your heart.
In divine truth,
Connecting with Spirit Guides and New Moons
Our world is full of transitions and transformations. When I am conducting sessions with people across the globe I feel their patterns, rhythms and cycles. Life is full of changes and transitions and it can be hard to face transitions and even identify what needs to be changed. As a world, we are facing extreme change and it may feel unsafe, scary, isolating and lonely.Â
But you are not alone and we are not lost. We have the opportunity to connect on a deeper level to ourselves, to the spirit world and to the mystical energy that holds the fabric of our very earth in gravity.  We all have opportunities to evolve our way of living, being and relating to ourselves and each other. What an exciting time to be alive.Â
I want to share with you two concrete ways that you can connect with two powerful tools. Spirit guides and new moons / super moons.Â
We live in a dimensional reality. Have you ever had a daydream? A premonition? Dejavu? Have you had dreams of your loved ones who have passed on that feel so real?  Have you lost yourself in a movie, a song, a book or a walk in nature?  All of these actions are about you traveling in time into experience.  For centuries people have used prayer, meditation, ritual and guided meditation to deepen their connection to the source – you may call source the universe, God, Higher Power or perhaps nature. It is where you feel connected, the way you feel that you are part of the one.Â
We are not alone. Since a small child I have been visited by angels and spirit guides, but I am not unique. We all have the ability to access their guidance. All you have do is keep an open mind and relax your body, mind and spirit. I have two ways to assist you in accessing your own spirit guides, like a gps I will teach you to awaken your connection to your spirit team.Â
One way is guided meditation.  Here is the link to Meet Your Spirit Guides meditation: https://youtu.be/DPHL1fIlnG0
The second way is to join me for a class via Zoom on How to Meet Your Spirit Guides. Learn how to invoke your connection with the spirit guides using color, sound and symbols. October 20th at 7pm EST is the next opportunity to take this class. Here is a link to register: http://www.melissaboyd.net/event/meet-your-spirit-guides/#tribe-tickets
New Moon Manifesting RitualÂ
We are  magnetic and can attract and manifest things into our lives. Each month we have a new moon which carry with them the ability to create and manifest.  The astrological signs are connected with these moon cycles and have been used by ancient cultures to make decisions, plant crops, plan weddings and even travel across the seas.  This wisdom is still there and often untapped by humanity today. How does it work? Each month during the new moon you take a piece of paper and write down manifesting statements relating to the areas the new moon rules over. Start each manifesting statement with I AM, see the statement as true and as you write, feel the outcome. (You can write 6-7 I AM creations per New Moon) Always use paper and a pen, not your computer, and put the date on the page. Fold it up and put it in a jar, box or some sacred vessel and let the universe listen to your desires and truths. I highly suggest writing down the New Moon days in your schedule or on your calendar as not to forget these delicious days.  I love the work of Jan Spiller who has been teaching this process for over 3o years. Jan Spillers book, New Moon Astrology can help you dive deeper into this monthly practice. Â
It is extremely rare for new moons to also be super moons. The super moon occurs when the moon is at its closest orbit to the earth. Remember, the moon creates the rise and fall of the tides, your emotions and even the emotions of our world. Take time to be intentional, connect in with the energy of the moon and create a ritual around each new moon. Remember, we are never really in control of anything except our reactions and our actions.
October 16th ( Super Moon) Libra Rules
Partnerships including: Marriage, Agreements, Sharing Interdependence, Fairness including: Balance, Equality, Negotiation, Appreciating opposite views, Harmony including: Peace, Beauty, Art, Décor, Teamwork including: Cooperation, Collaboration, Supportive Relationships, Sociability including: Being companionable, Tact, Affinity, Diplomacy, Refinement including: Elegance, Luxury, Grace, Pampering, Good Taste, Stimulating Well-being including: Adrenal Glands, Buttocks, Diabetes, Kidney
November 15th (Super Moon) Scorpio Rules
Empowerment including: Heightened Awareness, Charisma, Passion, Transcendence including: Transformation, Change, Eternalness, Self-Mastery including: Attraction, Depth, Strength, Deep Connections including: Sex, Soul-Mates, Bonding, Financial Partnerships including: Contracts, Business, Co-creation, Predicament including: Living on the leading edge, Obsessions, Intense interactions, Stimulating Well-being including: Organs of elimination (rectum, colon, bladder) PMS/Menstruation, Sexuality.
Remember, transitional times offer transformational power. My heart is sending you opportunities to connect with these powerful tools for self transformation.
In divine loving service,
Finding Inner Peace
Our world is undergoing tremendous change. The stresses of the economy, our global health issues as well as political, social and environmental upheaval. It’s hard to imagine putting together a new schedule, a new routine or having faith that everything will be ok. But we’ve been here before! There have been times when the people of the earth have been challenged and yet there is always a ray of hope.
As a spiritual medium, having access to the spirit world has given me some of the deepest joy in my life. And during these difficult times it has offered me the solace that everything is unfolding as it should. Please know we are never really alone. There is wisdom all around you.
If you or someone else is feeling any anxiety, fear or uncertainty about your life here are 4 ways to build your own inner wisdom. Remember to always give to yourself first.
1. Morning Centering
Upon waking every day take time to sit with yourself. Coming to a simple meditation process will help you immensely. Sit in a posture that is relaxing with your spine upright , place your hands on your lap facing upwards to receive divine grace, take one long inhale and an even longer exhale, then repeat. In front of you place a flower, glass of water, a lit candle or something simple to use as a as a focal point. As you exhale, empty your lungs like taking a long sigh then inhale the beauty of the flower, water or candle. Start this practice at least for 5 minutes each morning and perhaps you can increase to 30 minutes. This practice promotes oneness with body, breath and mind.
2. Drink Water with Intention and AffirmationsÂ
Your body is made up of energy and water. Studies have shown that water has a consciousness. When you drink water it is important to be concious of what you are thinking because the water absorbs that energy. I remind my clients never to drink or eat anything while you’re angry. It’s interesting when you think about alcoholism and that people often drink at people because of fear or anger. Drinking water with intention will help you to train your body into a new belief. Countless studies have shown that sound travels faster in water than it does in the air. So when you say something to yourself your body listens more than if you hear it from another person. My suggestion is that throughout the day, when you drink water, you say positive affirmations to yourself. If you don’t know where to start, here are some suggestions. Pour a glass of water and sit down in a quiet spot. Say out loud “I love and accept myself exactly as I am, things are always working out for me, I feel safe and secure in my world, I call on my spirit guides and ask them for assistance.” Or you can make up your own affirmations. Do this twice a day and the results in your cells will be amazing. Remember your thoughts become things.
3. Lift and Lower your GazeÂ
Your eyes hold information but they also hold tension. In any type of trauma work eye movement is essential. We are still in a global pandemic, economies are changing, life is still emerging and unpredictable. It’s important not to get fixated on the way things were or how they will be. It’s important to remain present in the now.
Using a soft eye gaze, which we called Drishti, is a wonderful way to invoke inner wisdom in your heart. Finding a focal point then allowing your eyes to go out of focus and just take a few nice breaths.
At some point in your day stand in front of a mirror. As you stand there looking at yourself in the mirror look up toward the ceiling then look down toward the floor, look left, look right, then blink your eyes three times, now roll your eyes to the right, roll your eyes to the left and blink your eyes three times. Repeat this four times. This helps the fluid in your eyes to be digested and it also helps you change your perception. Inner wisdom starts within not out in the linear world.
4. Laugh and Read Inspirational ZestÂ
Laughter is a wonderful way to create inner wisdom. Having listened to the Dalai Lama laughing in person was so amazing, his laugh is literally like that of a child! Listen to laughter, allow yourself to get lost in a book. Reading inspirational books actually helps your body to maintain a level of inner wisdom. We can take ourselves way too seriously and forget the little things in life. This month I will be posting 30 inspirational books that have changed my life and I hope one of them will change yours.
Finally let’s be kind and compassionate to ourselves. Patience and perseverance is called for at this time. And remember inner wisdom is not out there in the world inner wisdom is inside your heart.
In divine loving service,Â
Activism + Spirituality = Conscious Evolution
You Are Abundant!
Dearest Awakened Heart, You are abundant! Your being is a spark of divine intelligence in motion. It is so easy to forget that you are dynamic, flexible, adaptable, and ever-evolving. There is a trap in the linear world that tells us “you are not enough and you won’t ever be enough, there is not enough money, food, or resources for all of us!” This creates the story of “Us versus Them,” good or bad, rich or poor, and on and on and on. It creates an internal dialogue of fear and anxiety. But what if you changed your story and embraced the truth, which is You are Abundant. You can have everything you need and want! But it has to start from within you. You may be reading this and wondering, how can I thrive in a pandemic? How can I create abundance when the world is falling apart? Consider that this pandemic is an opportunity to love deeper, clearer, calmer, to learn to live for the moment. The world is shifting and shining the truth on outdated systems and ideas. What a fabulous time to be alive and evolve. We have a unique opportunity to claim abundance within. 3 Ways to embrace your own abundance: 1. Thank your bank account each time you pay a bill 2. List three structural things that support your well being (Home, car, bed, running water etc) 3. Do one thing each day or each week to spread abundance: leave a penny, dime or quarter in the little bin at the register, pay for someones coffee, give a compliment to a stranger, say thank you to your teachers, nurses, doctors etc. Appreciation is the key to manifesting and living an abundant life. Over the next three months I am offering unique programs to assist you in resetting what abundance means to you and to help you empower your life, embrace the power of your breath and your body. To truly shine your divine self! |