Healing Power of Mediumship: An Interview with Val Williams

In 2016, I planned a trip to England to study at the Arthur Findlay College of Metaphysical Studies, the world’s foremost school on psychic development. I had been there the year before and it was transformative. It’s a very magical and spiritual place with grounded, fabulous teachers from around the world. Weeks before I was set to leave, I was jolted from a sound sleep at 3:30 one morning by a bubble of blasting yellow light. From it spoke my beloved guides: “Val Williams,” was all my guide said.

So in the dim pre-dawn light I raced to my computer and typed it in; she was teaching a course at the Arthur Findlay College one week before I was scheduled to arrive! I immediately registered, changed my flight, and returned to bed.

That morning at my office I sat with a new client. Before he left he said, “You MUST meet Val Williams.” He went on to tell me how she changed his life with her compassionate soul and the training course he attended.

I reached Arthur Findley in a state of expectation. From the moment Minister Val Williams opened her mouth I knew I was on my divine pathway. At that point, I’d had many spiritual teachers, including the Dalai Lama, but she clearly outlined my current circumstances, described my guides, and warned me about taking on too much. But more importantly, I discovered she was the voice I’d been hearing throughout my childhood. When I told her as much, she explained that for years she would sit in meditation and send out bubbles of light and love to children around the world who were in difficult situations. Although many people have reported meeting her in this spirit form, she has no memory of these encounters.

I believe that there are guideposts in this life that help us to overcome and stay the course. Val Williams was that for me. She came into my life at a time I was healing my relationship with my father as he was dying. This experience to date has been one of the most profound of my lifetime.

I am honored and humbled to interview this beautiful soul who is living a life of being of service and traveling the world to help others heal through her gifts of mediumship.

My Interview with Val Williams can be found on my homepage just below my blog posts!

Val has been serving spirit all her life and has been conducting readings and platform demonstrations for nearly 35 years. She is compassionate, truthful and offers advanced trainings to mediums around the globe. She is the author of “Two World as One” and has meditation CDs. Minister Williams also gives to charities around the globe to help children and hospice, among others. She is a member of the SNU and teaches at the Arthur Findley College of  Metaphysical Studies and other schools around the globe.

In her own words “I was born with gifts of mediumship which, as a child, seemed more of a curse than a gift – voices in my head spoke of events which later happened, and when grown-ups spoke I would know if they were telling the truth or not. Many times my speaking my mind earned me a smack and so I became quite defiant – loyal to my mediumship, but not willing to tell people what I was thinking.”

“The development of mediumship should be a joy, and since the age of 33, when I found my way to a Spiritualist church every day has held its own joys. Working with and for Spirit fills me with a sense of purpose and the need to promote the truths of the Spirit world encourage me to always work in the name of truth. Whether I am working privately, or within workshop situations, or doing public demonstrations of mediumship I have only one goal – to be accurate and true to those who trust me.”  – Minister Val Williams  http://www.internationalmedium.co.uk/

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