Melissa Boyd Signs Letter to Governor about Carbon Emissions

Dear Governor Baldacci,

We would like to congratulate and thank you for your leadership on global warming and particularly your support of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. The action that we take–or fail to take–on global warming will be a defining element of our legacy and passage of RGGI is a significant step in taking such action.

Under your leadership, Maine is engaging directly with this challenging issue and becoming part of the solution. Maine’s participation in RGGI is a historic turning point in efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while strengthening and positioning our economy. Previously Maine has been criticized for under-investing in energy efficiency, the most economic and effective way of reducing both emissions and costs. With the passage of LD 1851, Maine is poised to surge ahead in our efficiency efforts.

We know that global warming cannot be solved through single actions. We are excited by your leadership in part because we know you recognize that more remains to be done. The attached letter to you, and the other New England governors, outlines some of the goals and actions that are essential components of a comprehensive response to this environmental and economic threat. In some areas Maine has taken many positive steps, in other areas more remains to be done. We would emphasize that shifting toward more energy efficient buildings, through building codes, incentives and other policies, remains an important task for Maine. Given new and growing efficiency funding and programs, it is increasingly important to reach out to Maine residents and businesses to motivate them to participate. We would also emphasize the need to reduce our dependence on vehicle travel.

Again, thank you for the strong leadership your administration has provided on climate change. We hope that you will bring both your successes and your commitment to go further to the New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers meeting on Prince Edward Island on June 25-26.

Full Letter PDF
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