Love Never Dies- Heaven Signs.
Love never dies and we never die. Remember you are an energy being before you are a human being. We start as spirit and we end as spirit. The realm of spirit is miraculous and magical! I am honored to speak to this world and bring messages forward. If you doubt that love cannot transcend space and time read these 3 mini stories of Love from the other side.
Giggles from Heaven: The loss of a child is one of the deepest losses a person can endure. I cannot image the pain. What I can tell you is that love never dies. I once had a lady come in and after her meditation I started singing this song, ” Five little monkeys jumping on the bed one fell off and bumped his head” the lady started to cry and when I said your young daughter is here she smiled not just with her face but with her soul. That was the song she sang to her every night before bed. The love that touched her that day brought light and peace to her heart.
The Red Rose. The loss of a spouse is one of the most difficult things in life. I had a women who had lost her husband come to see me. I was told from spirit before she came that her husband had passed on and they were married for over 5o years. I wrote down all these things and then he said “red rose”. I drew a picture of a red rose, when I opened the door and a woman was standing there with her daughter holding a red rose. That very day was the woman’s wedding anniversary and her husband had always bought her one red rose. The daughter had brought it as comfort and her father knew she would bring it.
That was divine love and signs that love never dies.
Animals Speak. Pets are pets no matter how strange others may see them. I often do phone sessions and when I hear a persons voice I see images and hear information. I usually like to ease into the session but sometimes the information is like a lightening bolt. This gentleman had never had a session and was very skeptical. All I could see was an alligator. My mind wanted to fight the image but it would not release it so I said “your alligator is here”. He laughed and I thought, oh no I’m totally off, but I kept speaking. I said “Alex the alligator loves you” and then he started to cry “I loved him I had him for over 15 years, he was my best friend.” The love from Alex reached his soul and he felt peace.
Are you paying attention? Do you listen to love from your heart, the hearts of others and the other side?
Pay attention to numbers, patterns and animal totems. Love never dies and neither do we.
Drop into your wisdom of eternity.
With deep love,