Discovering Your Vibrational Life Path Session




Discovering Your Vibrational Life Path outlines your core life themes using numerology, showcases your soul attributes, and helps you see and feel your life path and power years. This session helps to outline the next 2-3 years by identifying timeline opportunities.

Prior to your session, Melissa tunes into your name and birthdate as they appear on your birth certificate to identify your auric frequency as sound. Melissa sits with the sound for 30-40 minutes, documenting everything she receives from spirit. These notes are then shared with you in your 1-hour session, which also includes grow work and ways to enhance your life path and purpose.

In this session you will receive:

  1. Vibrational Chart which outlines themes, patterns and timeline opportunities
  2. Numbers card
  3. Chakra Chart
  4. Follow Up email with solfeggio and meditation resources
  5. Stone for vibrational amplification
  6. Messages from the Spirit World

Additional information

Number of Sessions

(1) 1 hour session, (2) 1 hour sessions, (3) 1 hour sessions, (4) 1 hour sessions