FREE Conference Call ~HELP Sensitive Ones ~Tweens & Young Adults

THANK YOU FOR YOUR HEART! Your assistance is critical at this time!  You can be a change agent for these youth 🙂

JOIN ME August 4th at 7pm EST.. Via Conference Call.  Once you are registered for this FREE Event you will receive more details.. 

Learn innovative strategies to support young people in their lives. WE all need to help children thrive …THEY are the future and have amazing resources.  THIS WILL BE RECORDED so you can playback the call.

  • You will learn…

  • The latest research on the growing global concern for our youth and WHY we must ACT NOW

  • Strategies to help reduce anxiety in sensitive souls

  • Yoga and breathe techniques to assist YOU as a caregiver and ways to help

  • Q and A

  • A follow up Email with Links and Resources..



Understanding and Supporting Intuitive Kids . 

Here is the link to the video recording of the talk : Passcode: rKRLy.4G 

Spiritual Development Group – 4 Week Online Series- (January 12- February 2nd )

This series will take place online on four consecutive Wednesdays, January 12th, 19th, 26th and February 2nd  from 7:00pm – 9:00pm EST

Are you ready to deepen your meditative practice, learn how to trust your intuitive flow, and gain access to your higher self? This group will meet each week via Zoom in a meditative circle and explore ways to deepen intuition, create community, and awaken spiritual development using yogic techniques.  Learn how to grow your knowing . Each person will also receive mailed  box of soul tools for the workshop as well.

You will receive a mailed packet with soul tools for your journey in this immersive experience.

Designed for the beginner or curious student who is ready to expand into zestful living.

Includes a one-on-one mentoring session with Melissa.

Once you are registered, you will receive instructions about how to attend.

Build Your Abundance Blueprint

Abundance is not limited to money. In this workshop you will learn the 5 aspects of abundance, how to use the core principles of manifesting to access your energetic core, how to release any blocks to abundance while creating your own abundance blueprint. Abundance is unlimited. This class will be taught on Zoom and includes a PDF workbook and resources for you to rise into your unlimited potential.

Once registered, you will receive information on how to attend.

Unleash Your Abundance

Abundance is not limited to money. In this workshop you will learn the 5 aspects of abundance, how to use the core principles of manifesting to access your energetic core, how to release any blocks to abundance while creating your own abundance blueprint.

Once registered, you will receive information on how to attend.

Unleash Your Abundance 3-Week Series

Three Consecutive Wednesdays from 7-8:30PM EST: February 3rd, 10th, + 17th

Join Melissa Boyd, Psychic Medium for this three-week series where we will explore the 5 Dimensions of Abundance. We begin with creating stillness in the body and mind and intention setting for manifesting growth. Learn how to trust and flow with source and intention energy and to identify and clear blocks that hinder you from reaching your goals. You will learn where abundance lies in your body and how to harness the power of magnetic attraction. Each week you will receive homework to help you grow your knowing. This series includes a map for you to build your own abundance blueprint, providing clarity on how to access power of abundance in all areas of your life.

Once you are registered, you will receive instructions about how to attend.

ONLINE WORKSHOP – Abundance Blueprint

Abundance is not limited to money. In this workshop you will learn the 5 aspects of abundance, how to use the core principles of manifesting to access your energetic core, how to release any blocks to abundance while creating your own abundance blueprint.

Once registered, you will receive information on how to attend.

You Are Abundant!

Dearest Awakened Heart, 

You are abundant! Your being is a spark of divine intelligence in motion.  It is so easy to forget that you are dynamic, flexible, adaptable, and ever-evolving.

There is a trap in the linear world that tells us “you are not enough and you won’t ever be enough, there is not enough money, food, or resources for all of us!” This creates the story of “Us versus Them,” good or bad, rich or poor, and on and on and on. It creates an internal dialogue of fear and anxiety. 

But what if you changed your story and embraced the truth, which is You are Abundant. You can have everything you need and want! But it has to start from within you.

You may be reading this and wondering, how can I thrive in a pandemic? How can I create abundance when the world is falling apart? Consider that this  pandemic is an opportunity to love deeper, clearer, calmer, to learn to live for the moment. The world is shifting and shining the truth on outdated systems and ideas. What a fabulous time to be alive and evolve.  We have a unique opportunity to claim abundance within. 

3 Ways to embrace your own abundance:

1. Thank your bank account each time you pay a bill
2. List three structural things that support your well being (Home, car, bed, running water etc)
3. Do one thing each day or each week to spread abundance: leave a penny, dime or quarter in the little bin at the register, pay for someones coffee, give a compliment to a stranger, say thank you to your teachers, nurses, doctors etc. 

Appreciation is the key to manifesting and living an abundant life. 

Over the next three months I am offering unique programs to assist you in resetting what abundance means to you and to help you empower your life, embrace the power of your breath and your body. To truly shine your divine self!

ONLINE WORKSHOP – Abundance Blueprint

Abundance is not limited to money. In this workshop you will learn the 5 aspects of abundance, how to use the core principles of manifesting to access your energetic core, how to release any blocks to abundance while creating your own abundance blueprint.

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