Online Channeled Messages 4 Your SOUL Evolution

Are you ready?  Are you ready to awaken your true life purpose and crack open the cells of your divinity !!?  THEN- join me and attendee’s from around the GLOBE to Grow Your Knowing and KNOW your Growing as Melissa will channel innovative ways for you to spark your souls evolutionary plan- vibrational steeping stones will be outlined for ALL who attend..


Although – you may not receive a DIRECT message the telepathic waves of knowing will swirl through the online platform helping you deepen and awaken the truth within..


The Vikings said ” We DO without doing, AND, Everything gets done..”  Upon registration- you will receive a very specialized breath practice that helps you know that the breath has EYES to see ..  NO Time Like the NOW to Register … SPACE is Limited

Article on are the New Kids Here to Save the World 

We will SEE you in Divine Time…

FOLLOW ME ON INSIGHT TIMER FOR Zestful Expansion MORE COMING SOON For Divine Insights and Knowings and vibrational blessings of BLISS 

Thursday August 25th Mediate and Donate @ River Tree Arts OR on FB LIVE

A one-hour group meditation consists of guided imagery, the breath, mind-body awareness, and silent contemplation amongst a circle of like-minded individuals. At the end Melissa will channel the spirit world and deliver a message or two from the other side. You may wish to make a donation to the Maine-based non-profit organization River Tree Arts

To join us you can participate in person -YOU MUST Register in order to attend – Registration is FREE and SPACE IS LIMITED..

You can also join us remotely ON FACEBOOK LIVE, simply connect via this link on your chosen date/time –

FREE Conference Call ~HELP Sensitive Ones ~Tweens & Young Adults

THANK YOU FOR YOUR HEART! Your assistance is critical at this time!  You can be a change agent for these youth 🙂

JOIN ME August 4th at 7pm EST.. Via Conference Call.  Once you are registered for this FREE Event you will receive more details.. 

Learn innovative strategies to support young people in their lives. WE all need to help children thrive …THEY are the future and have amazing resources.  THIS WILL BE RECORDED so you can playback the call.

  • You will learn…

  • The latest research on the growing global concern for our youth and WHY we must ACT NOW

  • Strategies to help reduce anxiety in sensitive souls

  • Yoga and breathe techniques to assist YOU as a caregiver and ways to help

  • Q and A

  • A follow up Email with Links and Resources..



Understanding and Supporting Intuitive Kids . 

Here is the link to the video recording of the talk : Passcode: rKRLy.4G 

Spiritual Development Group – 4 Week Online Series- (January 12- February 2nd )

This series will take place online on four consecutive Wednesdays, January 12th, 19th, 26th and February 2nd  from 7:00pm – 9:00pm EST

Are you ready to deepen your meditative practice, learn how to trust your intuitive flow, and gain access to your higher self? This group will meet each week via Zoom in a meditative circle and explore ways to deepen intuition, create community, and awaken spiritual development using yogic techniques.  Learn how to grow your knowing . Each person will also receive mailed  box of soul tools for the workshop as well.

You will receive a mailed packet with soul tools for your journey in this immersive experience.

Designed for the beginner or curious student who is ready to expand into zestful living.

Includes a one-on-one mentoring session with Melissa.

Once you are registered, you will receive instructions about how to attend.

Spiritual Development Group

This series will take place online on five consecutive Wednesdays: March 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, + 31st from 7:00pm – 9:00pm

Are you ready to deepen your meditative practice, learn how to trust your intuitive flow, and gain access to your higher self? This group will meet each week via Zoom in a meditative circle and explore ways to deepen intuition, create community, and awaken spiritual development using yogic techniques.

Designed for the beginner or curious student who is ready to expand!

Includes a one-on-one mentoring session with Melissa.

Once you are registered, you will receive instructions about how to attend.

ONLINE SERIES – Spiritual Development Group (5 weeks)

This series will take place online on five consecutive Wednesdays: September 16th, 23rd, 30th, October 7th, + October 14th   from 7:00pm – 9:00pm

Are you ready to deepen your meditative practice, learn how to trust your intuitive flow, and gain access to your higher self ? This group will meet each week via Zoom in a meditative circle and explore ways to deepen intuition, create community, and awaken spiritual development using yogic techniques.

Designed for the beginner or curious student who is ready to expand!

Includes a one-on-one mentoring session with Melissa.

Once you are registered, you will receive instructions about how to attend. 

Luminous 8 Professional Development for Your Soul® – July 14, 2019

Luminous 8 Professional Development for Your Soul ® is a technique that teaches you to use 8 Essential Rhythms for personal and business mastery. This transformational process assists you in reaching your unlimited potential that will allow you to create focused outcomes for your life—personal and business.
This day-long workshop includes a personal pre-packaged mini soul assessment; Luminous 8 ® Tools and Resources, and a networking luncheon.

Class Includes:

  • Meditation CD, Pendulum, Stones ($50.00 Value)
  • Safe learning environment
  • Lunch and snacks
  • Opportunities to expand your gifts of luminosity
  • Access your unique connection with your spirit
  • Clear of any limiting beliefs
  • Hands-on activities to develop your style
  • Support Email after the workshop
  • Handouts
  • A community of like-minded others and your own expansion
  • Certificate of completion.

Luminous 8 Professional Development for Your Soul® – Dec 1st 2018

Luminous 8 Professional Development for Your Soul ® is a technique that teaches you to use 8 Essential Rhythms for personal and business mastery. This transformational process assists you in reaching your unlimited potential that will allow you to create focused outcomes for your life—personal and business.
This day-long workshop includes a personal pre-packaged mini soul assessment; Luminous 8 ® Tools and Resources, and a networking luncheon.

Class Includes:

  • Meditation CD, Pendulum, Stones ($50.00 Value)
  • Safe learning environment
  • Lunch and snacks
  • Opportunities to expand your gifts of luminosity
  • Access your unique connection with your spirit
  • Clear of any limiting beliefs
  • Hands-on activities to develop your style
  • Support Email after the workshop
  • Handouts
  • A community of like-minded others and your own expansion
  • Certificate of completion.

Rise Within..Be A WE

Rise Within..Be a WE 

It’s time NOW more than ever to Rise Within and Join the Movement of the WE! Let’s release the old mentality of ME and Ego thinking.  The EARTH is speaking and showing us more than ever that all lives matter, all people matter.  WE ARE ONE.  WE – You and Me and Him and Her all connected create the collective. YOU have the power to choose will you be a ME or a WE. I’m assuming if you are getting this newsletter you are a WE – so thank you !  I know, I know -Its not always easy being a WE. Are you a WE?  Ways to know you are a WE:

-Stay grounded and focused on inner development
-BE the light that you ARE..Shine your WEness
-Yawn- Its contagious  -Yawning helps release stress and old energy
-Smile -Its contagious
-Eat local foods and brighter colors (more veggies..less heavy food)
-Do Yoga

RISE WITHIN..  Tips to keep and Grow you WE:

Our energies help shift weather, politics, policies, financials, health care etc.. Its a big concept to grasp but when you SEE it and FEEL it for You -its understandable that this affects the WE.

-Live in your heart
-Think before you speak
-Commit random acts of kindness
-Feel deeply
– Connected to nature
-Care about the greater good
–  Express empathy

Attend workshops that help you release Ego or Fear and call in Love  and Collaboration. Check out my upcoming classes on Yoga Nidra and Luminous 8 … WE Are Growing !!! Xo

With WE Blessings and Love, Melissa

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