Pranayama~ An Exploration of Vital Life Force Energy

Join Melissa as she guides you on a journey to learn how to access your subtle body using mindfulness, mudras and breath.

Pranayama is an ancient technique that stills the mind, improves mental clarity and helps reduce stress while evolving your subtle body. Each week you will experience ways to wash away worry, deepen and expand or begin a breathing practice while moving vital life force energy through your body.

Research on yoga and a breathing practice creates the following

-access your subtle body through the breath

-improves sleep and reduces stress

-manifesting desires and feel joy and unity consciousness

This class includes digital resources and innovative techniques  to raise your vibration.

Class meets on zoom for two weeks. October 6th and October 13th

Connecting with Spirit Guides and New Moons

Our world is full of transitions and transformations. When I am conducting sessions with people across the globe I feel their patterns, rhythms and cycles. Life is full of changes and transitions and it can be hard to face transitions and even identify what needs to be changed. As a world, we are facing extreme change and it may feel unsafe, scary, isolating and lonely. 

But you are not alone and we are not lost. We have the opportunity to connect on a deeper level to ourselves, to the spirit world and to the mystical energy that holds the fabric of our very earth in gravity.  We all have opportunities to evolve our way of living, being and relating to ourselves and each other. What an exciting time to be alive. 

I want to share with you two concrete ways that you can connect with two powerful tools. Spirit guides and new moons / super moons. 

We live in a dimensional reality. Have you ever had a daydream? A premonition? Dejavu? Have you had dreams of your loved ones who have passed on that feel so real?  Have you lost yourself in a movie, a song, a book or a walk in nature?  All of these actions are about you traveling in time into experience.  For centuries people have used prayer, meditation, ritual and guided meditation to deepen their connection to the source – you may call source the universe, God, Higher Power or perhaps nature. It is where you feel connected, the way you feel that you are part of the one. 

We are not alone. Since a small child I have been visited by angels and spirit guides, but I am not unique. We all have the ability to access their guidance. All you have do is keep an open mind and relax your body, mind and spirit. I have two ways to assist you in accessing your own spirit guides, like a gps I will teach you to awaken your connection to your spirit team. 

One way is guided meditation.  Here is the link to Meet Your Spirit Guides meditation:

The second way is to join me for a class via Zoom on How to Meet Your Spirit Guides. Learn how to invoke your connection with the spirit guides using color, sound and symbols. October 20th at 7pm EST is the next opportunity to take this class. Here is a link to register:

New Moon Manifesting Ritual 

We are  magnetic and can attract and manifest things into our lives. Each month we have a new moon which carry with them the ability to create and manifest.  The astrological signs are connected with these moon cycles and have been used by ancient cultures to make decisions, plant crops, plan weddings and even travel across the seas.  This wisdom is still there and often untapped by humanity today. How does it work? Each month during the new moon you take a piece of paper and write down manifesting statements relating to the areas the new moon rules over. Start each manifesting statement with I AM, see the statement as true and as you write, feel the outcome. (You can write 6-7 I AM creations per New Moon) Always use paper and a pen, not your computer, and put the date on the page.  Fold it up and put it in a jar, box or some sacred vessel and let the universe listen to your desires and truths. I highly suggest writing down the New Moon days in your schedule or on your calendar as not to forget these delicious days.   I love the work of Jan Spiller who has been teaching this process for over 3o years. Jan Spillers book, New Moon Astrology can help you dive deeper into this monthly practice.  

It is extremely rare for new moons to also be super moons.  The super moon occurs when the moon is at its closest orbit to the earth.  Remember, the moon creates the rise and fall of the tides,  your emotions and even the emotions of our world. Take time to be intentional, connect in with the energy of the moon and create a ritual around each new moon.  Remember, we are never really in control of anything except our reactions and our actions. 

October 16th ( Super Moon)  Libra Rules
Partnerships including: Marriage, Agreements, Sharing Interdependence, Fairness including: Balance, Equality, Negotiation, Appreciating opposite views, Harmony including: Peace, Beauty, Art, Décor, Teamwork including: Cooperation, Collaboration, Supportive Relationships, Sociability including: Being companionable, Tact, Affinity, Diplomacy, Refinement including: Elegance, Luxury, Grace, Pampering, Good Taste, Stimulating Well-being including: Adrenal Glands, Buttocks, Diabetes, Kidney

November 15th (Super Moon)  Scorpio Rules 
Empowerment including:  Heightened Awareness, Charisma, Passion, Transcendence including: Transformation, Change, Eternalness, Self-Mastery including:  Attraction, Depth, Strength, Deep Connections including: Sex, Soul-Mates, Bonding, Financial Partnerships including: Contracts, Business, Co-creation, Predicament including: Living on the leading edge, Obsessions, Intense interactions, Stimulating Well-being including: Organs of elimination (rectum, colon, bladder) PMS/Menstruation, Sexuality.

Remember, transitional times offer transformational power.  My heart is sending you opportunities to connect with these powerful tools for self transformation. 

In divine loving service, 

ONLINE WORKSHOP – Abundance Blueprint

Abundance is not limited to money. In this workshop you will learn the 5 aspects of abundance, how to use the core principles of manifesting to access your energetic core, how to release any blocks to abundance while creating your own abundance blueprint.

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