Divinity Dives

Have you ever dove head first into your dreams? Have you ever leapt empty handed into the void only to build your wings on the way down? Nine years ago I took the plunge, I call it my Divinity Dive. 
I had been reading people’s energy and loved ones in spirit since I was nine years old.  I had used my intuition in my work in governmental affairs and non-profit management and 10 years ago I spontaneously came out as a Medium on a Maine political television show and soon after people in politics started asking for sessions.  

Then I literally put my future in the hands of my guides and a cardboard sign and it changed my life! I had a very safe and stable position as a lobbyist, I was helping to make deep change in the system representing disability rights, mental health, helping to boost budgets of environmental nonprofit organizations and yet I knew deep inside of me that my soul path was to do my mediumship and soul evolution readings full-time. There is never a  good time to blow up your life, to walk away from a career where you have gained a high caliber reputation and to begin again. When I say to you being a medium was not my choice I mean it! It has always been a part of me but I was always so afraid to take that leap that leap of faith.

I had told three people that the only way I would do this for work was if I met James Van Praagh and he told me to do mediumship full time. Then 10 years ago he came to the Omega Institute in New York. It was at a time when I didn’t have extra money to spend on a workshop but three people, who didn’t know each other, each sent me money that totaled the exact amount I needed for the workshop.  

So off I went to the Omega Institute to meet the man that I had watched on television when I was 15 years old to do the thing that I’ve always been able to do. Within two days of starting the workshop he pulled me up on stage and had me read a person in the audience, after I finished my reading he leaned into me and said, if you can ground down into your divine being you can do this. But you must have no fear and trust absolutely, which means quitting your job and doing this full time. His words felt like warm sunshine on my face and I knew what I had to do.

I returned to Maine and went to my boss Betsy Sweet, who is currently a Democratic Candidate for US Senate, and told her that I needed to leave my position. I loved my work, I loved making a difference but it was time for me to make a difference in a different way.  I left Augusta to drive back home, which is about an hour. As I was driving I was thinking about Omega and the words James had said to me. Thinking, is this real? Is this the right thing to do? And just as I was about to turn around and go back to Augusta and say “wait I made a mistake!” my guides said to me “keep going we have a sign for you just around the next bend”. As I came around the corner I saw an egg truck and on the back it said OMEGA and I knew exactly what I needed to do.

I came home and told my wife I had left my position. She was shocked and little nervous but said “if you can make $5000 by the end of the summer then we can pay our bills.” I had decided to take on a small position to make $800 to do some environmental canvassing. I drove to work one day and at a stoplight I got rear ended. I went to the hospital to get checked out and they said I was fine. I had my car checked out and it was fine also. The next morning I got a call from the insurance company. They said we heard that you got hit in an accident. I said yes, they said are you OK? I said yes. They said, how does $5000 sound for pain and suffering?? And I said yes;) 

The next morning my guides had told me I would have a free office on Main Street in Kennebunk. Free office? How is that even possible? But I’ve learned by now to trust my guides. Later that day I went to an art gallery to meet a friend. When I literally I bumped into a woman in the bathroom and spilled coffee on her she said are you coming to the open house?  I smiled and asked on Main Street in Kennebunk? She said yes, how did you know? I then saw bees in my mind and she said it’s called The Hive and it is a collaborative for local artists. I asked her if she had an Intuitive Medium to do readings.  She said no, do you know someone? Yes, me! She said we cannot pay you. I said no worries I’ll just come for free. I sat in the back on a folding chair at an old card table with a deck of cards and my crystal.  I read for 45 people that night! Back to back 20 minute sessions for what seemed like everyone in town. At the end of the evening she asked, where is your office? I don’t have an office yet but this is what I do. She said we’re trying to create a nonprofit do you know anybody who could help us do that?  My job, previous to being a lobbyist, was creating nonprofits across Maine and Massachusetts and working  with national campaigns.  Yes! She explained we can’t pay you but we could give you a key and you could open the door and help us with this and we would give you the office in the back for free. How does that sound?? I was dancing with the light!

I still had no way of attracting clients so I went into my recycling bin and I took a piece of cardboard and wrote “Readings by Melissa, inquire inside” I had two folding chairs, a card table and a candle. That was nine years ago and within six months I was booking six months out all by word-of-mouth.

I took the leap of faith with my cardboard sign and everything fell into place! I want to personally thank each and every one of you for your support over the past nine years and for Growing your Knowing to awaken within! 

How can YOU do Divinity Diving? 

1. Listen to your heart and ask for help from your higher power and/or guides?
2.  Allow nature to bring you signs from birds, numbers, rainbows and whatever speaks to you.
3. Remember, you are part of the whole of creation and once you quiet your mind and listen synchronicity will appear. 
4. Be open for extraordinary messages through other people
5. Be grateful for where you are and allow the unfolding of your true self to emerge 

I love offering workshops to give you hands on tools and activities to become more centered, energized and intuitive.  Here is a short video on how I teach workshops:  https://growyourknowin.wpengine.com/workshops/

May you be ONE and live in the NOW,


SIP In Heaven….

Do you know that you can touch heaven just here in this moment? Close your eyes, breathe in the magnificence that you are.  Sipping the air, the  same air that was breathed by Jesus, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and all angels among us on this planet. When will you decide to sip in heaven? Do it now!  Sitting in a seated pose with eyes closed, place your hands on your lap with your palms facing up, breathe in your own divinity, your rhythms and your light.

Isn’t it time that you claimed your souls divinity? Go sit under a tree  or walk barefoot on the grass near a lake or the ocean.  Watch a hummingbird sip nectar out of a flower. Walk your dog and feel the synergy between the two of you.  it’s the opening of your heart that will change the world. It’s not about who’s better than who, it’s about do you value your soul essence.

I didn’t always value my soul essence I was seeking and looking trying to be someone else I was getting caught up in drama, tragedies and addictive patterns. Can you relate to any of this? If so, stop!  The time is now to claim your own soul, listen to your rhythms let go of those people that no longer serve you.

For me yoga is my soul place, when I hit the mat I go to another dimension, I feel the rhythm of the poses the ancient chants and Sanskrit mantra’s. There I am One and then I walk that peace with my feet off the mat and into the world.

5 tips to step in heaven.

1. See and feel yourself as a spiritual being first

2. Look at everyone you meet is a mirror reflection of what you’re creating with your mind thoughts and feelings

3. Be conscious of your breathing and try doing the sipping breath.  Pretend there is a straw from your lips into the air, breathe in the air where ever you are at least 10 to 20 sips per hour and see if you start to understand that you are being of light.

4. Spend time in nature. Walk in a park, watch a bird, pick a flower touch the grass with your hands, be barefoot on the seashore watch a frog, dip your toes into the ocean lake or stream.

5. Let go of clock watching.  Drop into the moment and see every moment as an opportunity to be better than the last moment, deeper than the last moment, as you drive, walk and go about your world drink in the colors with your eyes, listen to your surroundings with your ears and thank the earth with gratitude with each step you take.

These are powerful ways for you to step in heaven and once you do my hope is that you’ll never be the same. I invite you now to come into your own oneness.

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