An Evening of Mediumship at Leaping Waters Yoga

May 4, 2024 @ 6:30 pm 8:30 pm

Join Melissa at Leaping Waters Yoga in South Portland, Maine for An Evening of Mediumship. Dress is comfortable clothing or your favorite yoga clothes as we begin with a deep soul meditation followed by messages from the spirit world. Bring a yoga mat or cushion to sit on- some bolsters, back jacks and a few chairs will be provided. Each person will receive soul tools to awaken your intuition and deepen your relationship to spirit. Please note note everyone is guaranteed a reading.

$60.00 An Evening of Mediumship


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Awakening Your Luminosity at Greener Postures Yoga

Awakening Your Luminosity On Saturday, June 25th

1:00pm -5:30pm at Greener Postures  in West Falmouth, Maine

Yoga and Intuition opens hearts and quiets minds. In this 4 1/2 hour workshop, participants explore their intuitive selves through Yoga. We practice the art of listening to the body and mind while deepening our connection with the spiritual realm. Learn to deepen into each pose and open. The workshop is infused with understanding chakras, auras and quantum living in a linear world. There are no requirements, just a desire to connect to your body and breathe. Those new to yoga are welcome to attend. Handouts and soul tools will be provided. You may receive messages from the spirit world. Melissa has overcome challenges including releasing over 170lbs through her own yoga journey. ” When I stepped on the mat and landed in downward facing dog, I felt I could release the issues in my tissues.” Melissa remembers. Unlocking patterns in herself and others in one of her gifts, using sound, energy and movement.

$70.00 includes handouts, soul tools , an emailed mp3 of a chakra clearing and messages from the spirit world –


Detox Tips

Detoxing is a powerful process toward personal power and spiritual transformation. Detoxing can be done in many forms. This spring take time to detox in one of these 3 ways. In my upcoming classes and workshops I share hands on activities and tools to rinse and activate spiritual connections. 

Three Ways to Detox

1. Detox your speech.
Listen more and speak less. 
Take vow of silence for one to three hours per day. 
Let go of gossip or use of judgmental words.

2. Detox your body.
Abstain from coffee or alcohol for a few days or even a week to feel free of mind altering substances. 
Take a day or more to enjoy only vegetarian meals.
Drink more water and perhaps enjoy a detox tea before bed.

3. Detox Your Mind.
Mediate each morning or evening for at least 15 minutes.
Let go of worry and give yourself permission to turn off your mind.
Abstain from all electronics and any types of media for a few hours or better yet a day or more. 

Commit to let go and drop into the moment to restore your energy body.

In this time of many transitions of the earth, taking time to detox will create more space and flow to each unfolding moment. 

Sending Peace to You and our World… 

In divine loving service, 

Meditation and Mindfulness 3 week online series

Join me during this transitional time as I teach you to harness the power of mindfulness!Three Wednesdays in June.  June 15th, 22nd, 29th from 7:00pm  – 8:30pm EST
Each week, you will grow your knowing….
  • Learn simple techniques such as mudras and mantras to assist in concentration during meditation.
  • Meditate together via live-stream, and I am humbled to be your guide.
  • Complete grow work aimed at deepening alignment with source energies and boosting immunity.

Register soon – space is limited to 25 people!

Once you are registered, you will receive instructions about how to attend the class.

Yoga and Spirit Messages to Grow Your Knowing® 

Awaken your connection to the intuition that yoga provides.  Melissa will lead you through breath, mudras and yoga poses to awaken your subtle body while channeling messages from your spirit guides and loved ones in the spirit world.  Simple tools and handouts will be provided along with digital downloads to help you grow your knowing® 

To ATTEND:Covid19 Vaccination proof required with recent booster within 6 months of April 27th (October 27th forward) Masks may be required per current trends and CDC guidance in the spring of 2022

Melissa  Boyd is an International Spiritual Medium and a 500 Hour Registered Yoga Teacher and founder of Grow Your Knwoing® . As an Advanced Teacher of Therapeutic Yoga she blends yoga and intuition together.  Melissa has been channeling since the age of 9 and has helped thousands of people globally. She would “know” things before they happened and hear spirits giving details about family members and people who had crossed over. Today, Melissa trusts higher guidance, her psychic abilities, and the ability to foresee situations and act accordingly. She blends with your loved ones who have crossed over and brings them to you with her highest heart and divine love. She is committed to helping others grow their knowing.

Maine Yoga Fest

A 3 Day Maine Yoga Festival celebrating community and all that yoga has to offer us, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Join me and yogis across the state to celebrate yoga and Grow Your Knowing!

Set overlooking Casco Bay in Portland, Maine, the Maine YogaFest is a three-day celebration led by amazing Maine and New England yoga talent. The festival offers a diverse program of workshops allowing participants to try a wide variety of yoga styles and techniques. Vendors and Sponsors offer an array of products and services, supporting our yoga community with an exciting healing village and vendor village, add a few local food trucks and some live music and it becomes a weekend you don’t want to miss!

New to yoga? Have you been practicing forever? There are workshops for everyone!

With the health of our community top priority, we haven’t seen you since the 2019 Festival and we miss you! We are confident that 2022 will be the year to celebrate TOGETHER!

Attendance will require either a negative Covid test taken within 72 hours or proof of vaccination.

We can’t wait to see you next July!!




Andrea Gleason & the Maine YogaFest Team

Yoga and Spirit Messages: Awakening Intuition ~ Scarborough Yoga

Yoga and Spirit Messages: Awakening Intuition
with Melissa Boyd

Dec 5
12:00 – 4:00 PM

Register:  $70
(Limited to 16 people)
Yoga and Intuition opens hearts and quiets minds. In this 4-hour workshop, participants explore their intuitive selves through Yoga. We practice the art of listening to the body and mind while deepening our connection with the spiritual realm. Learn to deepen into each pose and open. The workshop is infused with understanding chakras, auras and quantum living in a linear world. There are no requirements, just a desire to connect to your body and breathe. Those new to yoga are welcome to attend. Handouts and soul tools will be provided. You may receive messages from the spirit world .Melissa has overcome challenges including releasing over 170lbs through her own yoga journey. ” When I stepped on the mat and landed in downward facing dog, I felt I could release the issues in my tissues.” Melissa remembers. Unlocking patterns in herself and others in one of her gifts, using sound, energy and movement.

$70.00 includes handouts, soul tools , an emailed mp3 of a chakra clearing and messages from the spirit world.

Mindful Breath~Awakening Your Vitality and Zest

Join Melissa as she guides you on a journey to learn how to access your subtle body using mindfulness, mudras and breath.

Pranayama is an ancient technique that stills the mind, improves mental clarity and helps reduce stress while evolving your subtle body. You will experience ways to wash away worry, deepen and expand or begin a breathing practice while moving vital life force energy through your body.

Research on yoga and a breathing practice creates the following

-access your subtle body through the breath

-improves sleep and reduces stress

-manifesting desires and feel joy and unity consciousness

This class includes digital resources and innovative ways  to raise your vibration.

This will take place via zoom..


Meditative Immersion ~Geomagnetic Evolution~New Tim5 ~Honoring Your Earth Connection

It’s time to harness the power of the sun and moon in you while helping the earth and your light body evolve. As more geomagnetic shifts occur it looses the pull of linear time.  Come join me for this online event to embrace your subtle body and understand the new mechanics of time.

Learn what tools and supplements will help you honor your souls path.

How can copper help you and us at this time? How to anchor in the moment.

Awaken your magnetic potential and stay grounded.

Learn how Solfeggio Frequencies can help you awaken your true divine cells..

21 Min Chakra meditation

This includes a meditative Immersion to help you access your Mer Kah Bath ( Vehicle of Light)

Meet Your Spirit Guides ~Online Mediative Immersion

In this magical hour and a half, Melissa Boyd will teach you how to Meet Your Spirit Guides as she takes you on a deep meditative journey. You will learn simple ways to call upon your spirit guides and Melissa will teach you how to sit in your power to enhance your spiritual life which will enrich your physical reality.

Once you are registered, you will receive instructions about how to attend.

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