Summer Solstice Yoga Nidra to Meet Your Spirit Guides

Join Melissa for this extraordinary event where you will be invited to meet your spirit guides through a laying down Yoga Nidra.

Yoga nidra is a deep guided meditation where you will learn to Meet Your Spirit Guides and awaken the 61 points of meditation on the body.  Hand outs and crystals will be provided for those who attend.

Bring a yoga mat, socks, notebook and open-heart and mind to travel into a higher plane.

This will be held at Melissa’s Grow Your Knowing office 14 Maine Street in Brunswick, Me

You must register in advance to attend.

Online Detox & Purification Immersion …

Ready to detox and purify the past?  This intense two- hour online workshop will include 3 emailed meditations one week before the event.

Includes a 1:1 fifteen minute  Reiki chakra clearing  and mini reading ( vow to your soul) after the event.

One week before you will receive an email to prep for the immersion


Meet Your Spirit Guides ~Online Mediative Immersion

In this magical hour and a half, Melissa Boyd will teach you how to Meet Your Spirit Guides as she takes you on a deep meditative journey. You will learn simple ways to call upon your spirit guides and Melissa will teach you how to sit in your power to enhance your spiritual life which will enrich your physical reality.

Once you are registered, you will receive instructions about how to attend.

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