I am forever grateful to Melissa and the help she gave me and my family

My meeting with Melissa was truly special. I was not seeking her, but some power brought me to her. My girlfriend was taking an intuition class with Melissa and one of their assignments was to bring in a picture of someone to class. My girlfriend brought in a picture of me to the class. Without going into too much personal detail, my family suffered a horrible tragedy last year, and when Melissa saw my picture she said that the family members that were lost in this tragedy had a message for me from the other side. She then revealed some very specific details about the event and my girlfriend came home and told me I had to go see her right away. So I did, and it was amazing. I received a message from them and it was my job to share it with my family. I played the audio recording of the reading for my entire family at Christmas and it started something profound. Because of the reading my family has come together in a way that would not otherwise have happened. I am forever grateful to Melissa and the help she gave me and my family. Because of her, healing has begun.

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