The messages she delivers are transformational

I met Melissa Boyd quite accidentally, but as she would explain, it was divine intervention. Many years ago, she called out my first name, and I responded by approaching a small table.. I was not who she was looking for but in that instant she invited me to sit for a reading. After that fateful night, her gifts of insight, intuition and inspiration are ones I seek out each year.

Her generosity of spirit, an aura of goodness, was my first impression. Now as I have come to know Melissa more profoundly, the depth of her knowledge of both the spiritual world, and the physical world come from a place where few have access. Her mission in life is to share those gifts. She is able to connect to the vibrational energy of people who have passed from this earth.

The messages she delivers are transformational. Melissa has had this special ability for decades, and is able to guide people to see, and access their highest potential. Her sessions are more than temporary enlightenment, for I find myself re-reading my notes several times each year reminding myself of her affirmations.

Melissa’s approach to wellness ensures the mind, body and soul connection, which needs to be seamless. Her tools include meditation, Reiki, chakras, solfeggio frequencies and yoga, while teaching us that energy is our path to absolute happiness.

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