Dearest Awakened Heart, You are abundant! Your being is a spark of divine intelligence in motion. It is so easy to forget that you are dynamic, flexible, adaptable, and ever-evolving. There is a trap in the linear world that tells us “you are not enough and you won’t ever be enough, there is not enough money, food, or resources for all of us!” This creates the story of “Us versus Them,” good or bad, rich or poor, and on and on and on. It creates an internal dialogue of fear and anxiety. But what if you changed your story and embraced the truth, which is You are Abundant. You can have everything you need and want! But it has to start from within you. You may be reading this and wondering, how can I thrive in a pandemic? How can I create abundance when the world is falling apart? Consider that this pandemic is an opportunity to love deeper, clearer, calmer, to learn to live for the moment. The world is shifting and shining the truth on outdated systems and ideas. What a fabulous time to be alive and evolve. We have a unique opportunity to claim abundance within. 3 Ways to embrace your own abundance: 1. Thank your bank account each time you pay a bill 2. List three structural things that support your well being (Home, car, bed, running water etc) 3. Do one thing each day or each week to spread abundance: leave a penny, dime or quarter in the little bin at the register, pay for someones coffee, give a compliment to a stranger, say thank you to your teachers, nurses, doctors etc. Appreciation is the key to manifesting and living an abundant life. Over the next three months I am offering unique programs to assist you in resetting what abundance means to you and to help you empower your life, embrace the power of your breath and your body. To truly shine your divine self! |