When you practice meditation, yoga and awareness you build your intuition. It is my honor to help people grow their knowing to awaken within!
In my upcoming workshops I will share with you yoga, meditation, breathing techniques, manifestation, and relaxation in addition to the ways in which I ground, expand, and channel spirit.
I love offering workshops to give you hands-on tools and activities to become more centered, energized, and intuitive. Watch this short video on how I teach workshops.
There are still a few spots open for theses upcoming events – register today!
May you be ONE and live in the NOW,

Are you ready to embrace your intuitive gifts? This hands-on workshop will outline practical ways to learn how to trust your intuition and create a connection with your spirit guides. We will discuss chakras, numbers, color, soul development, and more! Includes breakfast, handouts, meditative stone, CD, and Grow Your Knowing gift bag. Discount on room rate for those traveling to attend.
$100 per person, limit 30 people
Register NOW https://growyourknowin.wpengine.com

Once a month we gather in person and on FB Live for a group meditation followed by mini messages from the spirit world. These events are donation only and all proceeds for 2019 go to support River Tree Arts Programming.
If you are attending in person please register online to secure your spot. FB Live join us at 7pm EST. Get your free ticket to secure you space at:
If you wish to make a donation to River Tree Arts https://rivertreearts.org/donate/

Awakening Your Luminosity: 8 Rhythms for Self Mastery Receive Soul Messages ..
The key to mastering your full potential is to unlock your luminous connections in the linear world – and that is exactly what LUMINOUS 8 is designed to help you do.
Melissa will guide you through a series of invocations that are sure to create a profound transformative shift in your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energy.
Using mantras, mudras, chanting, sound, asana and heart to heart connections this workshop includes tangible tools, handouts and a usb with two guided meditations to support you to continue to practice at home.
The 8 LUMINOUS Rhythms are Love, Unlimited Potential , Mirror Consciousness, Intentional Action, Negotiation with the Heart, Optimism, Unconditional and Service.
It’s time to embody your luminous potential and step into your glow!
REGISTER TODAY https://www.creatingspaceyoga.com

Exploring Your Divine Spine
3 Week Yoga Class meets weekly on Tuesdays
October 29th – November 12th
Village Yoga – Kennebunk, ME
$90.00 for all 3 classes
Why the Spine?
· The spine supports both your structure and the fluid that reaches your brain
· There are over 120 muscles in the spine
· Over 80% of Americas suffer from back pain and the most common issue is spine issues
· Your spine has amazing memory but we often forget about the power of our back bodies
This workshop is open to all levels and we will explore the available power of the spine for balance and expansion of all kinds.
What to Bring?
- Comfortable Yoga clothes
- Yoga mat if you have one (all other props will be made available at the workshop )
- Warm socks
- Journal or note book
- Open heart and mind
Register Today.
Directions.Village Yoga is located at 153 Port Road in Lower Village Kennebunk, Maine

Sunday, November 10th
1:30pm – 6:00pm
Village Yoga, Kennebunk, ME
$100 per person (limited to 16 participants)
Yoga Nidra is an ancient form of deep meditation and allows you to float between the worlds. In this workshop you will experience deep relaxation and drop into the 5 layers of the self learning how to cleanse your cells with intention and breathe. We will then deepen with a mala bead meditation. Learn how the use of these two tools can empower your spirit and energize your life.
Samadhi Meditation Box is included with the workshop ($49.95 Value). Includes male beads, stone, vibrational meditation cards, meditators guide, videos on how to use the tools, 3 guided meditations and more
Register Today https://growyourknowin.wpengine.com/event/mala-meditation-yoga-nidra/